Mujahedin Khalq

Iraqi Tribal Leaders Want Mojahedin Khalq Expelled

Southern Iraq’s tribal leaders held a session Saturday in which they called for a bid to expel the terrorist elements of Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) from Iraqi soil. Speaking at the session, tribal committee chief at Iraq’s parliament condemned the existence of any terrorist organization in Iraq naming the MKO which was considered as a tool in the hands of Iraq’s former Baath regime to suppress Iraqi Shiites.

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Terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Asked to Clarify

Reported by MKO’s official website, in an official letter to Iraqi Parliament the group has asked “to attend the Iraqi Parliament’s open session in order to clarify before the honest Iraqi people by presenting evidences and documents”. …We are thinking what evidences MKO or the so called PMOI can present to gainsay its close collaboration with the ousted dictator who funded them and granted them the deserted military camp of Ashraf to rebuild it a ‘city’; its espionage and military activities, the operation Eternal Light as the group openly boasts, against Iranian people; its accomplice with Saddam’s notorious intelligence service and military units to suppress the insurgent Iraqi Kurds and riding over their bodies commanded by Maryam Rajavi..

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Save children from the cult abuse

It was only yesterday that the news came out with the reports of the removal of an additional 85 children from a polygamist remote compound Ranch of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a breakaway Mormon sect, bringing the total to 137 survivors. Officially released, State troopers, Texas Rangers and investigators from Child Protective Services raided the ranch on Thursday night to serve search and arrest warrants after a 16-year-old girl complained of sexual and physical abuse within the cult.

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Masud Khodabandeh replies and”Alseyassah”explains

He also gives the reason why it was published. Mr Khodabandeh explains that he lives in the United Kingdom and is currently visiting Iraq at the invitation of government officials, and was invited in order to attend various meeting on the issue of foreign terrorist groups in Iraq. He adds that”in the course of this work I have regular contact with the US army and relevant humanitarian bodies and I am seeking ways to rescue people from the hands of the Saddamists in Diyali province”

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Autopsy of a paradoxical dealing with MKO

According to a number of political analysts, the dual stance might be the result of internal political disparities among the parties. But it has to be noted that regardless of all disparities, the parties reach a consensus when it comes to confront any alien element that imperils the country’s general interests.

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Symposium on Terrorism in Iraq

Mr Khodabandeh emphasised the cult culture of terrorist organisations and the methods they use to brainwash their followers. He also gave examples of foreign support by some influential groups and parties who facilitate the flow of finance for terrorism. Not the least the relationship between the remainders of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, London, Washington and other countries with the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation, and the way this relationship is becoming clear in the escalation of violence in Diyali province

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Mojahedin Khalq the US-backed Terrorists

Dismantling the MEK paramilitary forces would be an effective way to signal US readiness to accommodate Tehran, suggested Abbas Maleki, an adviser to the National Security Council, since it is the only militarised exile group seeking to overthrow the Islamic Republic and is the darling of the Washington lobby for regime change in Iran.

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The US Utilizing a Terrorist Group

“The United States sees itself as being somewhat exceptional in the international community,”Marandi said,”it allows itself to support terrorist organizations that have killed thousands of Iranians on the streets of Tehran and other major cities. The MKO spied for Saddam Hussein during the war. These terrorists were and are stationed in Iraq, in Europe and the United States.”

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Mojahedin Khalq (MKO), from Resistance to Treachery

Another important issue is the presence of Mojahedin-e khalq in Iraq. The purpose of establishing MKO’s camps and bases in Baghdad was to build a military shield around the capital. There were Khantari base in western Baghdad (between Baghdad and Ramadi), Khales base, Khan Banisa’d in the north and another base inside Baghdad..

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