Mujahedin Khalq

The highest pitch of stupidity!

If there has ever been any doubt about the possible degree of stupidity of mankind, today, with the brightness of folly shining brilliantly from the nominal head of the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (who is currently confined by the US Army along with the remainder of the group in Camp Ashraf in Iraq), there should be no further doubt that humankind has crossed new frontiers …

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Iraqi people will put Rajavi on trial

…Asked about the recent announcement by Interpol that the leaders of the banned Mojahedin Khalq organisation are being arrested if there are any plans for them to be extradited? Hojjat-Ol-Eslam Mohseni-Ezhe’i said that there are no plans as such but he hoped that the Iraqi people will put these figures on trial as they collaborated with the government of Saddam Hoseyn and they have been involved in acts of suppression against the Kurds…

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Plans to dismantle terrorists’ alliances

The solution to the problem is a decisive decision to disintegrate the union of the old alliances especially in Diyala province, a task the Iraqi government is determined to accomplish with the cooperation of the province Council. Welcoming the plan to terminate the terrorist operations, al-Rabiee said:”Diyala’s Council has proposed a plan to remove terrorists from the province, which completes Baghdad’s security plan. People and tribes of the province have welcomed the plan that would begin from border areas

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MKO, Political Refugee or Opposition Force?

MKO’s so-called political stance toward the Iraqi government, parliament, and constitution display tokens of interference in internal affairs of Iraq. To what extent these hostile and blasphemous attitudes are in broad violation of what MKO claim to be asylum rights activities according to international conventions is a matter of consideration.

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Operation Morvarid, an Evidence of MKO’s Role in Iraq’s Internal Suppressions (6)

the recently published State Department’s report quotes Maryam Rajavi encouraging MKO combatants to”take the Kurds under your tanks”. Also, there is a TV documentary picturing Kurds mainly based on evidences presented by the eye-witnesses, victims, and even the former MKO members who took part in the operation. Despite all such authentic documents, Mojahedin claim they have not been responsible for Kurds repression

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Ashraf, An Iraqi City?

This so-called city witnesses strange relationship between the leaders of Mojahedin-e Khalq and Iraqi (and non-Iraqi) terrorist groups, including the”Islamic Government of Iraq”that assassinates Iraqis and seeks unrest in Iraq. There are still light and heavy weapons in Ashraf, arms that were given to the group by Saddam Hussein. Some Iraqi terrorist groups have recently received weapons.

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Why the MKO Doesn’t Leave Our Land?

Americans are well aware that the MKO has no popular support inside Iran and has no place. We know that the US always uses some cards against its enemies but this time it has chosen a loser card; it’s like betting on a dead horse, which has no influence on the political scene. We also know that this desperate organization is supported by both the US and groups like Al-Qaeda, Baathists and pro-Saddam elements.

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The US Achilles’ heel in War on Terrorism

The idea conjures at a time when Americans insist to accuse Iran of advocating Iraqi insurgents and escalating disorder in Iraq and believe that a total uproot of terrorism is the decisive solution to end disorder in Iraq. Regardless of Iranians’ rejecting of giving any aid to insurgents, to be optimistic, a decisive decision about MKO in itself helps to restore peace and order to Iraq.

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MKO Supporter, Agent of Saddam Secret Service

This document exposed the relationship between MKO supporter Saleh Al-Mutlaq and Saddam’s secret services.”After the fall of Saddam, he tried to distant himself from these relations but the documents show the reality,”Buratha said. The document, No. 3501, dated May 2002 and signed by former Iraqi”Mokhaberat”(secret service), reveals that …

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