Mujahedin Khalq

MKO, Hated by Iraqis

The main reason was that Saddam wanted to change human structure of Iraq while Shiites and Kurds comprised more than 80 percent of Iraqi population. After revolution in Iran and closure of US and Israeli embassies in Tehran, Americans thought of coup in Iran in order to compensate their failure.

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MKO-Baathists Alliance

This group has now central role in plotting against Iraqis and in religious differences. Some TV channels and failed newspapers help this organization. It holds conferences and interferes in Iraq’s internal affairs. What’s surprising is that some MPs take part in the conferences of this terrorist group in Brussels and Paris. One of them, who is the leader of a Parliament’s fraction, said they had common goals and principles with the MKO

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Adnan, Al-Alyan and Alaani Cry for MKO!

They would do it even if they have to sell Iraq and Iraqis with the cheapest price and set fire to the public in order to revenge for their former master. These people tried to sell Iraq in their deals with Israelis, the US and some neighboring countries. Their last card could be the MKO. This would be their losing card not winning card but they consider it a boost to their sick bodies.

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MKO’s Role in Saddam Massacres Should be Exposed

The court of former Iraqi regime’s crimes, now being held without the presence of Saddam Hussein, exposes important issues one of which is the decision of former Iraqi dictator to exterminate the Kurds with all possible means.In the court, it was revealed that the order for massacring the Kurds by chemical weapons was issued personally by Saddam …

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New Document on MKO’s Involvement in Kurds’ Massacre

What follows is part of the details of the session quoted by Iraqi TV: – Prosecutor provided the court with a new audio tape in which Ali Hassan Al-majid talks about chemical weapons against the Kurds and promises to impose more restrictions on them, including the ban on speaking Kurdish.- Another audio tape revealed that Hassan Al-Majid was planning a new scenario, including chemical attacks on the Kurds, gathering them in specified locations and then targeting them with chemical weapons.

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Mojahedin Laid Criterion for Patriotism and Democracy

The group’s move on such a suspicious line implies that Mojahedin attempt to exculpate Saddam of his myriad crimes to compel a mentality to identify him as a national hero. They have resolved to walk on the line of the opponents to Saddam’s execution, each impelled by different motives, in an attempt to win their support to accomplish their own ends, as they did when the master was in power.

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Making a Martyr out of a dictator

From the time the American government decided to use Saddam Hussein as a leverage in controlling Iran’s power after the revolution of 1979, the funding of these policies has always been taken care of by wealthy Arab Countries (such as Kuwait who during the Iran-Iraq war was an active supporter of Saddam Hussein but later found itself in the receiving end of Saddam’s chokehold).

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The Stain of Supporting Saddam

With the exposure of Saddam’s plans for massacring Kurds, which is only one of numerous horrible crimes of this man, all those who supported him found themselves labeled as supporters of massacring and”crimes against humanity”.What was admonitory was about the fate of opportunist gang of Rajavi, which was trying (with the assistance of Saddam’s lawyers) to accuse Iran in order to divert the case of murdering 180000 Iraqi Kurds.

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