Mujahedin Khalq

MKO Should Pay Ransom for Crimes in Iraq

A representative of the Shiite Sadr Movement at the Iraqi parliament called on the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, NCR and PMOI) to pay ransom for the massacres and crimes it has committed against the Iraqi people during Saddam’s era.

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Iraq denounces US plan to delist MKO terror group

According to a statement issued on Sunday by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s office, the Iraqi government said that Washington’s decision of delisting the MKO as a terrorist group would not change Baghdad’s position toward the group “which was involved in terrorist acts against Iraqis, in addition to its role in defending the former (Saddam Hussein) regime.”

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MKO looted Iraqi munitions, lands after fall of Saddam

Having Saddam’s government as his supporter, Rajavi gathered troops in Iraq and in neighboring Iran by forging travel documents and making fake passports with huge sums of money given by Saddam Hussein to help him overthrow Iran and make himself the full owner of Iran’s soil. For instance, I and my husband have been transferred to Iraq by a fake Iraqi passport..

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Al-Qaida group wants off U.S. terror list

There are increasing indications that the anti-Iranian Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization, known as the MEK or MKO, is working with al-Qaida to topple the U.S.-backed Iraqi government, even though it seeks to be removed from the U.S. State Department’s terror list, according to a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

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Hidden sources of MKO funds revealed

Rajavi has invested these large amounts in Western countries under the cover of front companies. Today the outcomes of such investment are spent for Maryam’s expenses in her Parisian Palace and her various fashionable clothes, as well as the group’s [MKO/MEK/PMOI] conferences and luxurious parties in Europe and the US. ..

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No ties between Iraqi Kurdistan, MEK

A leading member of the Kurdistan Coalition in the Iraqi Parliament on Monday denounced allegations by some Iraqi authorities of the Kurdish officials having contact with the Mujahedin-e Khalq, calling Kurds as “the major victim of MKO’s presence in Iraq.”

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Al Araqiah MPs do not support the MEK

Sheikhli criticized the positions of some Iraqi politicians in defending the MEK terrorist organization saying,”We represent our people and our mission is not to defend the killing of our people and those who looted their money.”Indicating that the blocs and parties affiliated to the coalition in Iraq do not agree with the views of some MPs, who are defending the organization …

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