Mujahedin Khalq

MKO leader famously said”take Kurds under your tanks, save bulletes”

..Saddam did not have the armybut he did have a series of concentric circles of supporters loyal to him because of the patronage he extended them ..In the same way that Mr. Qaddafi has turned to foreign mercenaries, he could also rely on his own foreign legion, the Mojahid[in]-e-Khalq organisation [MKO/MEK/PMOI]whose divisions were used to fight both against the Kurds and the Shia down south (Mariam Rajavi, one of the group’s leaders, famously said”take the Kurds under your tanks and save your bullets for the Islamic Guard”).

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The ‘MKO; Black Plague’ Exhibition held in Karbala

The Black Plague photographic exhibition was to expose the crimes and practices of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization during Saddam Hussein’s era.The exhibition which was held at Karbala City continued for 3 days and attended by political figures and media along with civil organizations and a large number of people..Maliki pointed that such conferences and gatherings will be held at future as well aiming to expel MKO terrorists from Iraqi soil.

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Senior Iraqi MP Asks for Trying MKO Ringleaders

“There have been recently revealed some documents proving the[MKO/MEK/PMOI] terrorist organization’s involvement in terrorist activities against the Iraqi people and its collaboration with the former regime in repressing the Sha’baniyeh Intifada in 1991,”Abdolhossein Abtan said on Monday.”Therefore, all these people should be tried in the same criminal court which tried elements of the former regime,”he added.

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Why do we seek prosecution of Rajavi?

… Massoud Rajavi and the heads of his cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] have a huge file in the Iraqi judiciary which is truly bigger than the one of Saddam Hussein and his aides. But the trial of the leaders of the cult has had the same fate as Maryam Rajavi’s file in Paris – she was arrested and charged with attempting terrorist activities against defectors and fraud and money laundry more than seven and a half years ago and she is still waiting trial – since for the time being she has been hired by the Americans and the Israelis …

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Iranian Prof: U.S. Support For MEK Would Anger Ordinary Iranians

..”The Mujahedin have absolutely no backing in Iran,”Sadri told TPM. He said he’d first become aware of the MEK 40 years ago, when he occasionally listened to the group’s clandestine radio shows, broadcast before the fall of the Shah. He described the MEK in its early days as a”vanguard organization.”Sadri, who moved from Iran to the U.S. in the mid-1970s to attend a Ph.D program at The New School, said”never heard a positive word uttered”about the MEK..

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MKO faces 24 judicial cases in Iraq including assassination of Iraqi citizens

…”Twenty-four judicial cases have been raised by Diala citizens against members of Mujahedin E-Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI, who are using Ashraf Camp in Diala’s Udheim township as their headquarters, among their control on broad areas of agricultural lands, belonging to Diala citizens, along with involvement of the Organization’s members in the assassination of a number of the Province’s citizens ..

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Iraqi FM: Mojahedin Khalq terrorists will be expelled humanely

… What about the issue of the Iranian opposition Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization [MKO]? Zebari: the Iraqi Constitution includes a clear and explicit paragraph according to which no foreign armed group is allowed to operate on Iraqi territories, or to launch attacks on neighbouring countries. Therefore the MKO attacks were taking place during the era of the previous regime. We have stressed that this is no longer allowed. ..

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Iraqi protesters in front of Camp Ashraf

..The protesters who had come from Basra, Tekrit, Baghdad and Diyala called for the expulsion of the terrorist group from Iraq whose presence they said was a source of instability ..The Iranian relatives of some MKO members also joined the protesters, to ask for the release of their family members who are said to be held inside the camp against their will. According to a Human Rights Watch report, the group puts defectors under torture or in jail.

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Open letter in solidarity with the Iraqi and Iranian victims of MKO

… We are now increasingly aware that MEK leader Massoud Rajavi is denying seriously ill members from accessing life-saving medical treatment because he benefits from the publicity surrounding their deaths … As the people of Iran and Iraq are the most affected by the crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by Massoud Rajavi and his wife and lieutenant Maryam Rajavi, it is very difficult to see how they can be pardoned in these countries (considering the social problems which come with bloodshed). Therefore it is only fair to ask Europe and America, where we have witnessed extensive favours toward the group, to take and house the remaining aging people trapped in this camp …

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MKO’s Response to Tariq Aziz’s Death Sentence out of Character

The accounts of MKO activities are agreeably and accurately documented by the governments of France, the United States, and Iran. All have the same opinion that the noteworthy initial visit with the MKO’s Masoud Rajavi and Tariq Aziz signifies a precise turning point in the history of MKO endeavors. That meeting was the start of a long-term strategy in which Rajavi lassoed power and led the group into a bizarre existence as he became an autocratic ideological leader with a cult of personality.

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