Mujahedin Khalq

Fugitive war criminal Rajavi weeps for another war criminal Tariq Aziz

… MKO’s unhappiness from the death sentence issued for Tariq Aziz is not merely due to this man’s previous supports from Mojahedin-e Khalq. This is an alarm for people like Massoud Rajavi who are responsible for the death of tens of thousands of people and now are hiding in their shelters. Rajavi and other leaders of the MKO/MEK/PMOI consider the fate of Tariq Aziz as their own coming destiny. Therefore they are frightened from being trapped by justice one day. …

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The outset of Rajavi’s longtime treason

.. Mr. Rajavi[MKO/MEK/PMOI leader] came to my room and told that Mr. Tariq Aziz had asked to visit him .. I told him:”Now that you accepted to visit him, you should treat him the way our Iranian Emperor Shahpour the first treated the Roman Valerian… He [Tariq Aziz] should understand that he had invaded a country which has national pride. You should notify that and you shouldn’t let the visit last more than half an hour.”.. the meeting lasted 5 hours so that the following day Le Monde newspaper wrote that Mr. Tariq Aziz bought Mr. Rajavi or something like that..

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Baghdad will host the Black Plague Exhibition

A number of members of the House of Representatives and political figures as well as national organizations will attend the Conference and exhibition.This is a photographic exhibition exposing the crimes and practices of the Mojahedin-e- Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI in the province of Diyala ,Iraq…It is worth mentioning that the exhibition held in Diyala Province on September 2010 and was attended by several members of the House of Representatives, local government officials of Diyala province along with Senate members, academic figures, the media…

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Iranian families participating in a gathering in Baghdad

In this meeting a number of 15 individuals from the families of the members of Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO – Rajavi cult-MEK-PMOI) trapped in Ashraf garrison were invited. They answered the questions of the reporters and other participants. Many news agencies and public media including some television and satellite channels were present in this gathering.

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Black Plague – Photos expose the MEK organized crime in Diyala

… The Mayor of Khalis, Alkhaddran said that the Mojahedin Organization had plundered the country and the province, taking over 6000 acres of land in Khalis district. He said they took 80% of the citizens’ plots of land, and pointed out the economic gains for the Judiciary by returning the investment in Camp Ashraf taken by the organization for more than three decades. The Vice-Chairman of the Board of Diyala who emphasised again the demand of the people of Iraq to expel the Mojahedin, said this organisation is logistically and financially behind all the security problems in the province…

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Mojahedin Khalq access to the Qandil Mountains

…the role that MKO played and the horrendous crimes it committed against Kurdish citizens of South Kurdistan, especially their collaboration with Saddam in massacres and genocides, hold us ethically liable to disallow them any access to our Kurdish mountains. Kurdish Regional Government should press charges on moral grounds against MKO/MEK/PMOI for joining Saddam’s army during the Iraqi-Iran war (1980-1988) and helping the dictator in suppressing Kurdish 1991 uprisings and massacre of Iraqi Kurds.MKO is responsible for numerous acts of terror, violence, assassination …

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Interior Ministry announces receipt of arrest warrants for 38 leaders and members of MKO

… The source said, in an interview with Alsumaria News, that the Mojahedin is accused of killing thousands of Iraqi citizens in coordination with the Iraqi security forces to suppress the uprising of March 1991, indicating that the investigations carried out proved the participation of members of the MKO in quelling the rebelling southern provinces and the north.”…

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MKO hostile role in killing the opponents of former Iraqi regime

Pointing to the MKO long record of criminal acts in Iraq, Member of Iraqi National Coalition stated that MKO played a prominent role in massacre of Iraqi Kurds and repression of Shiites Intifada as well as killing many other opponents of the former Iraqi regime…Al-Tamimi called MKO the tame soldiers of Baath Party and said: MKO and the leftovers of the Baath Party do their best to make obstacles on the way of establishing an integrated government in Iraq

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Iraq begins top MKO members’ arrest

Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for MKO leaders Masoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi…”We have received a letter from Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court which contains the names of 38 senior members of the MKO,”Fars News Agency quoted Iraqi Deputy Interior Minister Ayden Khalid Qader as saying on Sunday.The letter has called on the Interior Ministry to begin an immediate operation to arrest the criminals and hand them over to the judiciary, he added.

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Iranian families ,after the vigil for more than four months..

… Sheikh Mohammed Jassim Abdul, one of Diyala province tribal leaders, said said the elders and tribes of Diyala are demanding that the government and parliament work on removing this organization as soon as possible for several reasons, including its past cooperation with the former regime of Saddam Hussein against the Iraqi people. He considered that the MEK leaders’ rejection of families coming from Iran to see their children who were inside the camp is a violation and breach of human rights law and acts contrary to moral values …

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