Mujahedin Khalq

Israel’s Iranian Opposition?

… Bolton and Aznar were there to represent a transatlantic coalition of neoconservative pro-Israeli interests who seem to wish to promote the PMOI as the legitimate opposition to Iran’s clerical regime. Bolton’s credentials need no rehearsal here, but let’s not forget that Aznar has recently signed on as a founding member of a European Friends of Israel, in the face of the disastrous repercussions of the Gaza Freedom floatilla raid. The reason for this is fairly clear: on the issues of Israel and on Iran’s nuclear program …

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KRG officers: MKO slamming Iranian shelling is futile

… this is not the first time the organization releases such declarations. Any attempt by this organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] to thaw relations with Kurds will be overlooked for they do not enjoy the blessing of Kurds”, Asasard argued, explaining “Because in suppressing the Kurdish uprising, this organization supported the fallen Baathists regime. This statement cannot wash away their stained vision in the memory of the Kurdish people” …

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Mojahedin Khalq and Iraq – bribery, intrigue and chaos

… what is the benefit for the organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] to stay in Iraq now, without the presence of the former regime which protected them? The numerous statements made by the leaders and officials of the Mojahedin Organization directed across the world are a show of power and capability of the Organization in defiance of the Government of Iraq in particular, and the international community in general …

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Rajavi’s hypocrisy regarding recognized campaigners of Iran

Rajavi has sought refuge in historical, popular, and revolutionary figures of Iranian history to justify his anti-national activities during years of his so-called revolutionary struggle. In other words, he misuses the repute of the distinguished Iranian freedom fighters as well as the leaders of social revolutions, particularly in the recent century, like Sattar Khan, Baqir Khan and Modarres to cover up his political scandals..

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The Reality of National Council of Resistance

..The other opposition groups who were members of NCR also defected from the council since they saw the principal axis they had based their coalition on was being violated by MKO/MEK/PMOI whose leader, Massoud Rajavi was taking the most undemocratic steps against his own nation by cooperating with Iraqi Baath regime. On the other hand, a more important factor of NCR’s decline was that MEK was not playing the role of an ally but it was considering itself as the main element of the council…

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Reality Check: MKO Suppressive Pearl Operation

Among the long list of Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s terrorist activities, one may find Iraqi Kurd’s suppression by MKO/MEK/PMOI due to its absolute obedience to its former financial and military sponsor Saddam Hussein…Rajavi in his turn promised Saddam that his group would fight the Kurds with their entire power. Then, through a message he declared:”Iranian soldiers, in Kurds clothes, are supposed to attack Mujahedin“ ..

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MKO: People’s Friends or Foes

Maryam Rajavi’s trip to Germany indicates Europeans double standards towards terrorist and violent groups. They endanger the security of their own countries by playing an illogic game with such groups. According to political principals and EU laws, any group or entity with a background of terrorist, violent acts against civilians should be boycotted for much political financial or spiritual support..

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Officials: Exclusion of Al-Mutlaq a blow to MKO and terrorism

.. Alkhaddran added that”al-Mutlaq is a strategic ally of the Mojahedin-e Khalq, who are terrorists, and is supportive of all armed organizations that are working to kill Iraqis. He demanded that the central government speed up the removal of the Organization beyond the borders of the country as a popular demand of the people of the province …

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Mojahedin-e Khalq Face Criminal Charges in Iraq

… Thirty seven arrest warrants have been issued against individual members for their involvement in suppressing the 1991 Shabani uprising in Kurdistan. International arrest warrants have been issued for some individuals. Civil law suits for murder have also been brought against members of the MKO/MEK/PMOI in Tuz Khormato pertaining to the same period …

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MKO expulsion the least Iraqi right

In a meeting with Habilian Association Secretary General, a number of Iraqi educated women insisted on Iraq’s right to expel the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI), Habilian Association (families of Iranian terror victims) news website reported…“It is said that the MKO has killed 25000 Iraqi people, but I want to declare that much more Iraqis were steeped in blood by the cult,” an Iraqi lecturer and activist said.

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