Mujahedin Warmongers

Europe Capitalizes on the Iran Deal

right-wing pro-Israeli organizations, Saudi Arabia, and the exiled Iranian dissident group Mojaheddin-e Khalk (MEK), which was on the EU terror list until 2009 and removed on technicality. The hawkish American Jewish Committee blasted the report for allegedly “giving Iran a free pass on human rights and support for Assad regime,” although it somewhat mitigated its criticisms when the EP …

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Dirty deals between the MKO, Saudis and their lobbyists in the US

Surprising is the recent allegations made by one of the American sponsors of the MKO/MEK/PMOI, former senator “Joe Lieberman” in his piece on the Wall Street Journal in which he has tried to link Iran to 9/11!Lieberman is a famous pro-war figure against Iran. He was the one who called on bombing Iran in a 2010 speech to the Council of Foreign Relations. Lieberman who is a paid speaker for the MKO, ….

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An impossible dream

..Hence, the MeK/MKO/PMOI leadership views the regional developments as in Syria and Yemen not as they really are, but as he wishes them to be. In their calculations, the international players are the winner and Iran will be the loser. Their foolish understanding is that Iran’s regional power is connected to Assad’s fate. Iran wanted to keep Assad in power 5 years ago when its regional and international enemies intended to topple Assad in less than a month

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The Cult of Rajavi, a tool for Iran hawks

Although the MKO’s propaganda usually does not succeed to run its anti-Iranian agenda in the international community –because of its very insignificant role in the region—there are some groups who indulge it. The American Iran hawks as well as Saudi authorities try to coddle the MKO in response to material and spiritual services the group offers them…

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The New Yorker Doesn’t Factcheck What ‘Everyone Knows’ Is True

Neither NCRI/MKO/MEK/PMOI official nor Nisman himself offered any explanation for how an exiled armed opposition organization could have penetrated the highest level of the Iranian government—or why Argentine investigators had been unaware of such crucial alleged intelligence for nearly a decade. Furthermore, the NCRI had by then a long history of publicizing intelligence claims..

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The Mujahedeen e-Khalq: The US Prepares to Back a New Terrorist Army in Iran, Prelude to a Wider War?

While Lieberman, General Jones, and Colonel Martin all failed categorically to accurately describe the true nature of the MEK terrorists they seek to support in a proxy war with Iran, the US policy papers these three lobbyists are reading from have done so and in great detail…MEK is a Listed Terror Organization for a Reason..MEK has carried out decades of brutal terrorist attacks, assassinations, and espionage against the Iranian

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