Mujahedin Warmongers

The MKO and Islamphobes, Strange Bedfellows

..Paradoxically, the leader of the MKO, Massoud Rajavi showed up as one of the supporters of the September 11th attack. He praised the attackers celebrating the death of hundreds of innocent Americans in Camp Ashraf on September 11, 2001. (Testimonies of former members of the MKO proves the fact.) [3]As the main Islam phobic body, the lobby of Zionists in the US government, AIPAC has strived to frustrate the nuclear deal…

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Victory of Diplomacy over war disappointed the MKO

Following the victory of Senate Democrats of the US Congress to block Republicans’ efforts to reject the nuclear deal agreed between Iran and the six world powers, the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) seems too disappointed to be able to recover from the defeat of the Israeli lobby (AIPAC) in the US Congress…

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Behind the Scenes: How the US and Iran Reached Their Landmark Deal

But one set of documents had originated in Israel, and the other had been submitted by the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), the cult-like Iranian terror group that had been known to act as a client for Israel. The authenticity of both sets of documents was extremely doubtful, as indicated by a number of anomalies in the papers, especially the fact that the most important documents purported to show Iranian efforts to integrate a nuclear weapon into a missile…

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Rastgou; Open letter to Obama

This should prove, that supporting the nuclear deal does not mean supporting the Iranian regime. But this is what those, who lobby against the deal, especially the “Mojahedin-e-Khalg Organization” (MEK/MKO/PMOI)” try to make their followers believe. The deal´s opponents …

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The MKO booster of War Machine

.. the reality behind the alleged third option is absolutely different. The MKO/MEK/PMOI opposes any deal with Islamic Republic since it considers it as appeasement. The group apparently is not in favor of military action against Iran because they want to show their so called sympathy for Iranian people rather they only care for their own interest and survival…

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UANI, Joe Lieberman and the MEK

As far back as 2008, Lieberman was joking—yes, joking, as if this were a laughing matter—about the “appeal” of bombing Iran. In a 2010 speech to the Council on Foreign Relations that re-purposed many of the talking points Lieberman had used to push for the invasion of Iraq, he spoke of a six-month deadline—six months! …

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A portrait of “Eternal Light” drawn by an Eye – witness

Ms. Manijeh Habashi who is a former sympathizer and member of the MKO, witnessed Rajavi’s overestimated invasion, the ”Eternal Light”. In her detailed description of what she saw in the Eternal Light Operation, she tries to portrait the scenes she perceived, without judging or analyzing the events. She believes that her expressive article is significant enough to enlighten the mind of her audience.

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Anti-Iran Deal AIPAC Spin-off Relies on Iranian Ex-Terrorist Group

Now that the campaign is taking shape, the AIPAC spin-off appears to be relying on a typical, if troubling, ally of American groups and individuals opposed to diplomacy with Iran. Namely, two items on the website of Citizens for a Nuclear Iran, one of which was later removed, featured an exiled Iranian opposition group called the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) aka MKO/PMOI.

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