Mujahedin Warmongers

Bolton and the MEK

Bolton is hardly the only former official, retired officer, or ex-politician to do this, but for the last several years he has been a vocal cheerleader of the Mujahideen-e Khalq cult aka MKO/MEK/PMOI (and “former” terrorist group) and its political organization. He has been consistently misrepresenting a totalitarian cult as a “democratic” Iranian opposition group.

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US-Israel Wage War on Iran in Syria

For those who have difficulties believing the US would back Al Qaeda terrorists for the purpose of overthrowing the governments of Libya, Egypt, and Syria, they need only look at overt and continuous support for MEK/MKO/PMOI/NCRI terrorists in a bid to overthrow the government of Iran to uncover the reality of Washington’s willingness to sponsor terrorism.

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The week the neocons jumped the shark

In the past Bolton has identified the “opposition” as called Mojahedin-e-Khalq. This is a shadowy cult that makes the Scientologists look transparent by comparison. In the past MEK/MKO/PMOI members have killed Americans in terror attacks. More recently they are seen as the likely suspects in the car-bombing …

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That secret Iranian ‘nuclear facility’ you just found? not so much.

But let’s remember: The MEK and the United States have fundamentally different interests. The MEK highlights Iran’s nuclear programs — real, imagined, and downright fabricated — as a way to build support for regime change in Tehran. Hemming in the Iranian nuclear program through diplomacy removes one of the MEK’s most effective talking points in favor of bombing Iran. They won’t go down without a fight.

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Pro-war forces manipulate terrorism concerns

The MEK/MKO/PMOI had previously figured in US-engineered regime change plans, albeit in a very different way. The Bush administration, at one point, said that Iraq should be invaded, in part, for sheltering the MEK, as journalist Glenn Greenwald pointed out in 2012, noting how intelligence and concerns about terrorism are easily manipulated by pro-war forces in Washington…

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MKO propaganda to manipulate US hardliners

Last month’s extension of the nuclear talks between Iran and the West provoked American hardliners and warmongers who were already manipulated by the Mujahedi khalq Organization (the MKO). For instance Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) –who is on the payroll of the MKO aka MEK/PMOI propaganda arm—has allegedly said it is”incredibly bad judgment to continue …

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