Mujahedin Warmongers

MKO along the lines of Western hardliners

As the co-leader of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization, Maryam Rajavi, calls on the West for more sanctions against Iran, her leading sponsor in the US Congress is demanding new sanctions to pressure Iranian government. The US-MEK campaign is paired with Israeli propaganda against Iran. Immediately after a seven-month extension in talks between P5+1 was announced,….

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The MKO happy with GOP victory

In fact, the MKO has a long list of advocates among republicans. The group has hired the most powerful republican lobbying firms such as Akin Gump to run its agenda in the US government. Rep. Ileana Ros-lehtinen, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher are two of most vocal supporters of the MKO in the Congress. They often appear in the group’s rallies to speak on behalf of the group and its warmonger belief.

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Direct, intentional, unmistakable support for the terrorist MKO

General Hugh Shelton is the permanent participant of Maryam Rajavi’s masquerade shows in Paris. He is always offered luxurious trips to flatter Mrs. Rajavi. Shelton’s shilling for the MKO is also observed in his piece on Global Research. Persuading the US foreign policy makers to apply pressure against Iran. He often praises Maryam Rajavi for her rhetoric and warmongering ideas.

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The MEK: US War on Iran Takes Bizarre Turn

It is not merely hyperbole when it is said the US created terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda or the so-called “Islamic State.” It is documented fact…Besides providing MEK aka MKO/PMOI terrorists with now two former US military bases in Iraq as safe havens, the US has conspired to arm, fund, and back MEK for years in a proxy war against Iran.

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The adventures of the MKO and warmongers

To accomplish such an objective, the US has the same plan for the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO, Rajavi’s Cult, MEK). As Nasemroaya notices, “disingenuously and ironically, the US and Britain used Saddam Hussein’s support for the MEK to justify labeling Iraq as a state-sponsor of terrorism and to also justify the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq”

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The War Party never takes a holiday

That’s the same phrase used to describe yet another purloined laptop, this one supplied by the Mujahedin-e-Khalq, an Iranian terrorist group that, for years, has been feeding the War Party bogus”intelligence”about Tehran’s nonexistent nuclear weapons program. That tall tale was debunked in 2011 – yet another case of MEK cobbling together old outdated data….

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Rajavi’s drums of war silenced by trade envoy Baroness Nicholson

Anne Khodabandeh (Singleton), Middle East Strategy Consultants, June 08 2014: … So the British Prime Minister’s personal appointment of Baroness Emma Nicholson of Winterbourne as his Trade Envoy to Iraq with the mandate to ”increase trade and economic co-operation between the UK and Iraq”, was certain to provoke a fierce reaction from the MEK …

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Was the Iranian threat fabricated by Israel and the U.S.?

Among the indicators that the documents originated in Israel is the fact that the MEK is not sophisticated enough to have fabricated such a large number of documents, and the well-known history of the terrorist organization’s close working relations with Israeli intelligence. Equally important is the fact that former IAEA director general ElBaradei revealed in his memoirs that Israel had passed on documents and intelligence reports to the IAEA…..

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