Mujahedin Warmongers

Gareth porter on the MKO-Israel collusion to provoke war

They knew that Powell was referring indirectly to information in those papers and they were alarmed, because it appeared that history was about to repeat itself: Powell had cited information from another MEK/MKO/PMOI source two years earlier as the centerpiece of his rationale for war in Iraq. That source was the now infamous “Curveball”. The BND had tried in vain to warn the CIA….

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Purchased MKO supporters to violate New deal

The sworn enemy of the Iranian Nation, the Mujahedin khalq Organization is passionately paying the US officials to pass new legislations in the Congress that violate the interim agreement reached by Islamic Republic in December 2013 in Geneva. The MKO’ efforts have got some attention among bipartisan US representatives and senators.

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Congressmen bid to resettle Mojahedin Khalq in the US

A new Bill sponsored by Dana Rohrabacher aims to resettle Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, a.k.a. MKO) members inside the United States. The primary objective of the Bill, H.R.3707, is “to ensure the emergency of Iranian dissidents living in Camp Liberty/Hurriya and to provide for their admission as refugees to the United States.” Referred to …

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The Other Lobby: MEK’s Crusade Against US-Iran Negotiations

Howard Dean refused to answer questions as to whether he was still getting boatloads of money from MEK/MKO/PMOI groups and even went so far as to say that U.S.-Iran negotiations should not go forward until the Obama administration agrees to grant some kind of asylum to the 3,000 MEK activists sheltered by the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein that are now living in a U.S. military base called Camp Liberty.

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Mojahedin Khalq lobbyist Haward Dean refused to disclose his fees

bill that the Israel Lobby is so staunchly behind. The bill would violate the Iran deal by imposing new sanctions, and would effectively kill negotiations. While the depth of the MeK’s/MKO/PMOI funding of this is, like much of their lobbying, strictly off-the-record (Gov. Dean openly refused to answer questions about how much he was paid for his statement), the group …

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