Mujahedin Warmongers

Historic deal is working despite MKO-AIPAC- led obstructions

Regarding the MKO, its role in the relations and equations between Iran and the West is so trivial that the cult leader strives hard to create tension between the two sides more and more in order to achieve the least support they can gain. The MKO’s only means to survive is to convince the West that the proverb”the enemy of my enemy is my friend”is symbolized in supporting a cult of personality…

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MKO & AIPAC lobbies to promote endless wars in the Mideast

Menhendez backs the MKO/MEK/PMOI operatives to the extent that he told Wendy Sherman the US State Department’s third person that the MEK should be invited to relocate to the United States…Jim White of the Emptywheel website confirms AIPAC’s part to pass the legislation against Iran but he also notifies the part of the MKO in….

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MEK Purchases 27 US Senate Votes for War With Iran

The intellectual dishonesty surrounding this move by MEK shills in the Senate is stunning. They claim, as stated in Menendez’s press release that their goal is “the complete and verifiable termination of Iran’s illicit nuclear weapons program”. Low level enrichment is not part of a weapons program and yet this group insists that Iran also must abandon low level enrichment along with any aspects of a weapons program.

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MEK Makes Desperate New Iran Nuclear Accusation, Reuters Yawns

With the world anticipating real progress at the next round of P5+1 talks set to start next week in Geneva, the MEK is getting desperate. Because they appear to only want a violent regime change in Iran, talk of actual diplomacy is their worst nightmare. Today, Reuters reports on the latest wild accusation tossed out by the MEK using the “umbrella”…..

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All the President’s foes

1. Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli PM – 2. John Bolton, America’s former ambassador to the UN – 3. Maryam Rajavi, Wife of the leader of the terrorist group MeK …. All the three streams agree that negotiation with Iran produce no result.

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Bad News for the MKO

In contrary to the efforts of the MKO agents in the United States, on July 18, 2013, 131 members of the US Congress signed a letter urging President Obama to reinvigorate Iran diplomacy. The letter, being circulated by Representatives David Price (D-North Carolina) and Charles Dent (R-Pennsylvania), is the biggest ever pro-Iran diplomacy letter from the Hill, those supporting the initiative said. …

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