Mujahedin Warmongers

Fear of Election in the MKO

While the Iranian nation was practicing democracy at the polling stations on Friday to elect their new president, the Mujahedin Khalq Organization that has always boycotted the elections in the Islamic Republic seemed to go nuts with the 36 million voters who have no sympathy for the MKO but welcomed the Presidential Elections in Iran.

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Neocon backed MKO failed attempt to destroy an Anti-War Org

NIAC has increasingly troubled the war crowd, so much so that it has become one of their favorite targets.Its leading attack dog, Seyyed Hassan Daioleslam [MEK agent in Washington] put it like this in an internal email: “destroying” NIAC and its President Trita Parsi “is an integral part of any attack on (former Secretary of State Hillary) Clinton and President Obama.” In other words, destroying NIAC would also …

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MKO Fuels Warmongering Propaganda

MKO hopes that the old allies develop a unanimous consensus over the military option against Iranian regime. It would make both allies a perfect united ‘alien element’ for a total dependence. What MKO/MEK/PMOI has achieved so far has been an unfortunate outcome; its desperate struggle to achieve the reproachful, anti-national and ambitious goal has brought the group into disrepute among all struggling oppositions.

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US administration: pro MKO or pro Iranians

The US risks its reputation at stake by supporting the MKO. But is it really worth that?The MKO is now hoping to set up to play the role Ahmad Chalabi played in the days preceding to the American led invasion to Iraq. The so-called intelligence they published about the Iranian nuclear program has earned some approval among Western officials for them.

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MKO’s position in the policies against Iran

Why has the US government, which denounces other governments’ involvement ‎with terrorism, been supporting MKO (Mojahedin Khalq Organization) and removed it from its ‎list of the designated FTO? How the US chooses to use the group’s violent and terroristic ‎capacity, especially when it still has a historical falling out with Washington ..

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Mujahadin-e Khalq: America’s protected terrorists gearing up against Iran

Now is the time for Russia and the world community to take active political measures preventing the United States from launching another proxy war in the Middle East. The MEK/MKO/PMOI is much better trained and prepared for war than the Syrian rebels were at the beginning of the conflict, or even today. The MEK has all the necessary capabilities to become the military arm…

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War with Iran started five years ago

Israel’s Mossad and MEK have collaborated on terror attacks inside Iran and have worked together on assassinating Iran’s nuclear scientists. The MEK, short for Mujahideen e-Khalq, a violent Iranian militant group, is listed by the State Department as a terrorist organization, although Bush-era neocons have worked to change this designation.

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