Mujahedin Warmongers

The War of Terror, the Obama Administration, Abu Hamza and MEK

This week saw two separate but equally important events which cut’s to the core of this debate. The first important event is the ruling of the European court of human rights ruling, that Abu Hamza Al-Masri should be extradited to the United States. Abu Hamza stands accused of trying to set up a terrorist training camp…The second important event has been the de-listing of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MKO or MEK)

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Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorists in Syria

Earlier reports also said that the FSA is building a military base for the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, NCR and PMOI) in the bordering areas of Syria and Lebanon. The announcement was made yesterday by Basam al-Dad, a spokesman of the terrorist Free Syrian Army. Al-Dad claimed that the group wants to enjoy the experiences and combat skills of the MKO in different battle fronts…

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Mark Dankof Warns: MEK Alliance With Israel Could Lead to World War III

.. not one American in one hundred could even identify this organization or anything about its history. And Rubin is clearly tripping over herself not to state what is abundantly obvious to anyone who examines the list of American politicians and national security figures who have been illegally taking MEK money in exchange for successful PR efforts to have them delisted and legitimized…

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Washington clears MEK for covert war

The move by Washington last week is, in effect, giving full approval to the MEK’s terror and assassination campaign in Iran. It is a stark reminder of Washington’s unwavering warpath towards Iran. Recently, some commentators have tended to misread Washington as giving a rebuff to Israel’s war rhetoric against Iran. But the clearance by Washington of a terrorist campaign in Iran…

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US narrative on Syria is crumbling

The U.S. and Israel have tacitly admitted they were behind the assassinations. They openly admit they are training, funding, arming, and regularly deploying the Mujahedeen e-Khalq (MKO). U.S. politicians openly lobby for MKO in full-page columns bought in large U.S. papers. It would interest many Americans to know that many of these lobbyists include stalwart supporters of the so-called “War on Terror”…

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MEK members clash with police in Ashraf

Reports say there have been clashes in Camp Ashraf as Iraqi police attempted to inspect the belongings of the sixth batch of terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI group.members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq group attacked Iraqi security forces with knives and truncheons yesterday in a bid to prevent them from examining their belongings.

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MKO Crisis Mongering in Syria

As the international community apparently makes efforts to open peace talks between Assad government and the opposition, members of terrorist groups like Mujahedin Khalq Organization are mobilized to Syrian borders to join the opposition forces.

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Syrian security forces arrest five MKO terrorists

The detained MKO terrorists have confessed that the MKO is training insurgents on the Turkish soil near the border with Syria, while certain Arab and Western states are providing necessary support for their activities. The report comes as Iraqi and Syrian security officials maintain that a large number of MKO members have entered Syria …

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MKO Mounting Offensive in Defiance of Rules

The circumstantial evidences indicate MKO is not reluctant to prepare the stage for a third round of violent confrontation. Again we are hearing words that another human tragedy is possibly unfolding in Ashraf or Liberty and that, no effort has to be spared to avert and prevent it. The Iraqi government has never stated that it intends to use force to close Ashraf ..

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