Mujahedin Warmongers

Take MEK claims of Iran’s nuclear capability with a grain of salt

Alireza Jafarzadeh’s recent commentary is eerily reminiscent of the manipulations of Iraqi exile Ahmad Chalabi who shamelessly fed the US government false information with the express aim of advocating a military invasion of Iraq in 2003 in order to promote his own personal political and economic fortunes.Just as Mr. Jafarzadeh openly sides with the exiled Iranian terrorist group Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MEK/MKO/PMOI

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Ex-member: MKO helps Israeli agents in covert war with Iran

In a telephone interview with Israel’s Maariv radio on March 5, Massoud Khodabandeh noted that it was no surprise to hear about the role of the MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorists in assassinating Iran’s nuclear scientists.Some US officials told the NBC network last week that the MKO terrorists have been involved in the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists in the past two years.Since January 2010, a total of six Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated ..

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Simple Answer to Bangkok Blasts: MKO

The MKO’s /MEK/PMOI spying network and terrorist operations against Iran is notoriously known to the world. Maybe that’s why Bangkok Post states, ”at various levels, there are grounds which might support the theory of an Independent MEK operation in Bangkok, New Delhi and Tiblisi.“Strategically, the organization has ample motive. The successful assassination of Israeli diplomats would at the least serve to further isolate the Iranian government ..

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Exposing The Israeli-Mossad False Flag Terror

The riddle of Bangkok, where Iranians have been injured in the blasts, needs to be understood & it is a very simple matter to comprehend. The Mujahedeen Khalq (MKO/MEK), is a terrorist organization comprising of disgruntled Iranians who are now working for the CIA & the Mossad. The MKO-MEK , is openly supported by the US-Israel as their strategic allies & they are the ones who are responsible for the assassinations of the Iranian nuclear scientists ..

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When the News Media Erases US-Israeli Terrorism

This is a situation where the U.S. government’s closest ally, receiving billions in annual aid and unmatched diplomatic cover, is cooperating with a group that the State Department itself characterizes as a terrorist organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI], to conduct assassination programs against innocent people in a sovereign nation. Taken in isolation, this is bad enough. But this kind of behavior has the potential to destabilize a very precarious situation and possibly suck the United States into another war in the Middle East.

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The threat is very real

Mujahadeen-e-Khalq─ is officially listed by the State Department as a “terrorist organization,” but politicians have been pushing to “de-list” them so MEK can be armed, trained, and sent into Iran, with open, rather than covert American support…This all smacks of hypocrisy, as our local activists had their homes raided, personal belongings confiscated, were served subpoenas to a Grand Jury, and are being investigated for “material support of terrorism”

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MKO Scheme to Fan the Flame of Ethnic War

MKO leaders at Camp Ashraf have told their advocates that the Maliki government would collapse soon and replaced by Ayyad Alawi and al-Iraqiya spectrum .Hassan Tawaliba, an activist close to the MKO who under the cover of support for human rights defends the Ashraf based Mujahedin, has published an article in al-Liwaa newspaper , he tries to pave the media ground for an important bombing the group intends to carry out in Samarra

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MKO leader incites war on Iraq

The main leader of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), Rajavi, in remarks interpreted as informally declaring war on Iraq cautioned that he would not allow Baghdad to expel the group from Iraq, and stressed that he will keep the MKO in the country even if it costs the lives of all the group members…Latest news from Iraq indicate that they are making lots of catapults, arbalests, slings, bows and arrows to resist against Iraq..

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MKO, part of US-Israeli warmonger campaign

The Brookings Institution report, titled “Which Path to Persia?” published in 2009 speculates a role for the MKO aka MEK/PMOI. The report states that “clearly the more outrageous, the more deadly, and the more unprovoked the Iranian action,the better off the United States to goad Iran into such a provocation without the rest of the world recognizing this game, which would then undermine it.

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