Mujahedin Warmongers

MEK to push US for another war

It is a bizarre, exiled Iranian opposition group that has existed mostly on the fringes of history. But the cultish Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), or”people’s holy warriors”, will seize the international spotlight if the US State Department decides in coming weeks to remove the group from its list of foreign terrorist organisations.The well-funded organisation, once allied to Saddam Hussein, has friends in high places in Washington.Removing the MEK from the US’s terrorism blacklist would make already frosty relations between Tehran and Washington even icier.It also”would allow the Mujahedin to receive US funding…

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Anti-Muslims and Politicians Find Common Cause with Iranian Terrorist MEK

Congressmen (including Democrats) and former government officials have met with the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/MKO/PMOI), an organization that was designated a terrorist group in 1997 when the list was first compiled, and is STILL ON THE LIST–for now….MEK has a very aggressive and organized lobby effort in Washington D.C. According to one House staffer, ..” Their mission is to be delisted as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO), push the USA to foment war with Iran..

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War With Iran? US Neocons Aim to Repeat Chalabi-Style Swindle

Pressure to remove the MEK from the State Department’s Foreign Terrorist Organizations list is a cynical ploy by the neocons that can have only negative consequences for both the United States and Iran. It would allow an Islamic radical terrorist group to operate freely in the United States..Instead of legitimizing the MEK aka MKO/PMOI, we call on the law-enforcement agencies to investigate the illegal activities of this group, their funding and their allies. After all, they are still on the US State Department terrorist list..

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Singleton visits Camp Ashraf in wake of violence by Rajavi cult loyalists

… It is thought that up to 200 MEK members loyal to Massoud Rajavi took part in the violence. It is not known how many of the 3400 residents at the camp continue as members of the terrorist group. Singleton visited the camp at the start of a week of meetings with Iraqi officials to demand that the organisational infrastructure of the group be dismantled, and that the leaders are prosecuted under Iraqi and international law. The remaining residents should be enabled to determine their own futures without pressure from the MEK leaders. ..

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Iraq detains six MKO terrorists

Iraqi security forces have detained six members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) in Camp Ashraf located north of the capital Baghdad.According to the Iraqi government, the MKO members were taken into custody for interrogation during Friday’s clashes with security forces.The Iraqi parliament has passed legislation, under which the government is obliged to expel members of the terrorist organization.

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MKO attacks Iraqi security forces

Members of the Mujahedin Khalgh Organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] and Iraqi security forces clashed in the central province of Diyala on Friday.Clashes erupted when Iraqi security forces began to return some of the land that was confiscated by Saddam Hussein to setup the MKO camp. Officials say, members of the camp began hurling stones and attacking the security forces with knives and other weapons as they were carrying out their duty…the Iraqi government has issued a judicial decree to reduce the 50 Km camp to 30 Km and have the rest of the lands returned to its original owners.

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MKO Intends to Open Fire on Civilians

..A senior Iranian legislator warned that the hirelings and members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) have hatched a plot to start unrests in Tehran today in a bid to open fire on the civilians to bring the police and security forces into armed clashes..the MKO members plan to kill the people who gather in streets to put the blame on the Iranian security forces in order to create a rift between the nation and government,..

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MKO terror teams were managed directly by Mayam Rajavi from HQ in Paris

…”In this terrorist operation which took place in Tehran’s Qasroddasht neighborhood on Monday February 14, the Basiji student, Saneh Zhaleh, was martyred and four others were severely wounded,”it added.”A student activist in France disclosed that over 350 members of the MKO had been sent from several European and Asian countries to Tehran and other major Iranian cities, based on plan drawn by the main ringleader of the MKO, Massoud Rajavi,”..the MKO teams intended to start riots, set fire on garbage cans..

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Rajavi’s bloody hands under democratic gesture

The most recent news on MKO’s [MEK/PMOI/NCRI]servitude towards Israel and its interest for bloodshed was its fanfare on the opening of Bushehr Power Plant in Iran, citing from John Bolton, American controversial figure that it would be dangerous and military invasion to Iran would be necessary …

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