Mujahedin Warmongers

The Emergence of a Second Al-Qaeda

Now, nearly after six years after the world has unanimously approved the decisive combat against terrorism and it is legally put into practice in many countries, certain terrorist groups, especially those on the world’s terror lists, are jeopardizing people’s security where the chaos is at zenith under the pretext of war against terrorism. Furthermore, not only we see no instances of a terrorist group being uprooted but we hear news of the new ones emerging.

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FOX News Deliberate Misinformation

no less a personage than Jim Angle called Lieberman”a Democrat”and later aired a clip from the original set of interviews with Lieberman designated as D-CT. I think it’s time for Democrats to contact the DNC requesting that they demand that FOX News cease and desist from this DELIBERATE misinformation campaign. Of course, good old war loving Joe was interviewed because he had just written an op-ed

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Unconscious Intelligence Sources!

The MKO’s project, called”Hostage taking Crisis”, was aimed at instigating British government against Iran. They tried to convince Britons that Iran’s move was in response to UN Security Council’s resolution. According to the analyses of Rajavi’s gang, this crisis could last for months and they had to do their best to prevent a diplomatic resolution.

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Armed mercenaries; Warmongers’ Last Resort

That we occasionally hear the name of terrorist MKO and Pentagon’s use of this organization doesn’t mean that they only rely on this terrorist group to destabilize the country. In fact, it means that Pentagon and Neocons, as pioneers of warmongering against Iran, use all possible means, including the gang of Rigi, Pezhak and criminal cult of Rajavi.

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Attacking Iran, The Only Solution for MKO

Mohammed Mohaddessin issued a statement yesterday, asking the US to adopt a firm policy against Iran and to support the terrorist group of Mojahedin-e Khalq:”Delaying the adoption of a firm against the regime of Mullahs inspirits this reme in pursuing its nuclear program. Therefore, applying broad oil, arm, diplomatic and technological sanctions against this regime is becoming increasingly urgent.

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MKO and Iranian Chalabis

Pointing to Bush’s order to US forces in Iraq to shoot Iranian and Syrian agents in Iraq, Pentagon’s emphasis that Iranian agents were behind the deaths of 5 US forces in Karbala and the departure of second US aircraft carrier to the region, Spiegel writes that despite all these, the White House denies any effort to overthrow the rule of Mullahs.

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No Revolution in the Horizon

For years, the MKO has repeated contradictory claims on the internal situation of Iran in order to receive advantages from the West, and the US in particular. Now, these claims have become so unbearable that even CNN’s presenter turns on Jafarzadeh asking him:”what internal situation are you talking about?”In response to Jafarzadeh’s request from the West to put pressure on Iran and focus on internal situation,

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Terrorist Comments in Talk with CNN

Jafarzadeh intends to say that if the US is caught in Iraq that is because it challenged a legitimate regime much supported by people. He might be criticizing the US for not invading Iran prior to Iraq. That is just what Mohammad Mohadessin referred to in one of his Direct Talk programs aired by Mojahedin’s TV network as he enunciated on the UN Security Council’s resolution issued against Iran.

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