Mujahedin Warmongers

The love story of US and MEK terrorists

Nikki Haley, US Ambassador to UN, retweeted a post from a notorious terrorist group whose members are known inside Iran as double-faced traitors…Her history of support for anti-Iranian sanctions and criticism against other countries who backed Iran came once again under the spotlight and some journalists and internet users compared her with Maryam Rajavi, the ringleader of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO).

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MEK’s Role Is To Toxify Political Debate On Iran

Indeed, none of the MEK’s lobbyists turned up for the debate. MEP Gérard Deprez, Chair of the Friends of a Free Iran in the European Parliament (affiliated to the MEK), who claims to have gathered over 200 signatures from fellow MEPs in favour of the MEK, was unable or unwilling to join the debate.

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Will Bolton And MEK Pull An Iraq War-Like Chalabi-Type Scam On Iran?

Will we see MEK in front of the cameras, speaking on behalf of 80 million Iranians and the Iranian diaspora, telling us that they all support a bombing or invasion, and that it will remake the region for the better? When Chalabi told us lies sixteen years ago, supported by the White House, many in the public (and in Congress) believed him. Let’s not make the same mistake again …

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The US Army keeps the Mojahedin Khalq army in Albania

On March 15, the Mojahedin attacked a group of Albanian intellectuals headed by former Albanian President Rexhep Mejdani, who participated in a scientific conference in Tehran. The attackers claimed it was an assault by Tehran to defame them. The Mojahedin, many of whose members are abandoning the organization in Albania, attack these former members by labelling them as …

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