Nejat News

One more defector of Rajavi’s Cult joined his family

Mr. Hamid Hajipur who has experienced the bitterness of being captive in exile for more than 20 years, managed to release himself from the bars of Rajavis’ Cult and returned home and joined his family in Nejat Society office, Gilan Branch.Declaring his separation from MKO and expressing his hatred towards the organization’s compulsory work camp; Camp Ashraf, Mr. Hajipur returned to his homeland and to his warm family center to shape his own life as he wishes..

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Families of MKO members meeting in Ahwaz

The meeting was held with the presence of more than 50 families of MKO captives who are banned behind the bars of Rajavis’ cult and also some of the separated members. ..Mr. Ekrami member of Nejat Society then addressed the audiences under the title of “Active relations between families and Society, guaranties the release of hostages of MKO”.Mr. Maziyar Shirvani the former member of MKO who recently managed to release himself from the cult and joined his family explained aspects of the atmosphere rules the cult of Rajavi ..

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A delegation of Czech Republic journalists visited Nejat society

During this visit, Mr. Arash Sametipour the secretary of Nejat Society welcomed the delegation giving a detailed description of the activities of the society and its plans for future. Mr. Khodabandeh also explained the current situation of Rajavi’s Cult, the measures of violation of human rights in the cult,..The members of this delegation asserted the cult-like nature of MKO/PMOI/MEK declaring that the European authorities are well aware of the disgusted image of the group all over the world.

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MKO Ex-Member:US impeding efforts to shut Ashraf Camp

Several former members of the outlawed terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/PMOI/MEK) have accused the United States of hampering efforts to close the notorious Ashraf Camp in Iraq. ..Most of the Ashraf Camp residents are said to be willing to quit but are under pressure and torture not to do so. ..Sameti and other members of the Nejat Association are in London to lobby for their release. They have met members of the British House of Commons, government officials and human rights activists to raise their awareness about the misery in Ashraf Camp.

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Nejat Society met Baroness Neville- Jones

Nejat Society delegation met in the House of Lords with Baroness Neville-Jones, Shadow Security Minister and National Security Adviser to the Leader of the Opposition…Baroness Neville-Jones expressed her sympathy for Nejat Society’s work toward finding a humanitarian solution to the problem posed by Camp Ashraf to the Iraqi government. Nejat Society said that the British government should by urged to support the Iraqi position toward the MKO. The Iraqi government has said the MKO will be given three choices.

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Nejat delegation met Shadow Minister for Sport in London

Shadow Minister for Sport, Mr Hugh Robertson met with the Nejat Society delegation in London to hear about their humanitarian solution for Camp Ashraf in Iraq. ..Mr Robertson was sympathetic to the stories of two women in the delegation who have not seen their relatives for many years because of MKO directives for members to divorce from their spouses, children and families…Mr Robertson agreed that a humanitarian approach should be followed in resolving the problem.

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Nejat: Let ailing MKO members out

Director of the Iran-based Nejat [Rescue] Association’s Foreign Relations Department, Arash Sameti, said the United States refuses to hand Camp Ashraf over to the Iraqi government…Most of the MKO members currently in Camp Ashraf are ailing, and being physically and mentally abused by their terrorist leaders, he added. The MKO is blacklisted by several countries, including the EU, as a terrorist organization. The group has launched terrorist attacks inside Iran and has killed nearly 12,000 citizens across the country.

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Nejat delegation met Shadow Defence Minister in London

Shadow Defence Minister Dr Liam Fox meeting Nejat Society delegation in London supported a humanitarian solution for Camp Ashraf in Iraq ..Dr Fox expressed his concern that neither the US army nor the Iraqi government have moved to dismantle the military infrastructure of what is in fact a foreign terrorist organisation and its training base in Iraq. The MKO/PMOI/MEK has been listed as a terrorist entity in the US since 1997. He told the delegation he would raise the issue directly with the Americans at the earliest opportunity.

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Nejat Society attended “International Press Fair”

Nejat Society also attended the fair introducing its English and Persian publications. Nejat members who were present had numerous meetings and interviews with Iranian as well as foreign journalists from the Egyptian newspaper Alahram, the American Boston Glob and Le Figaro from France, and also the reporters from Iraq, Germany, China

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Nejat Society in London

A delegation from Nejat Society travelled to London in December,2008. During their visit to London delegates of Nejat NGO will pursue the case of Mujahedin-e-Khalq members in Camp Ashraf Iraq via their meetings with human rights organizations and western policy makers and media. The news of Nejat delegation’s trip to London was covered by various News agencies and websites.

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