Nejat News

Nejat Society Asks UK to Support Iraqi Government Plans for Camp Ashraf Victims

Nejat [Rescue] Society, an Iranian NGO, has sent a delegation to London to brief policy and decision makers, human rights organisations and media on the US army handover of the Mojahedin-e Khalq’s (MKO, MeK, NCRI, PMOI) military base, Camp Ashraf, to the Iraqi military on January 1st 2009…In a meeting yesterday with Mr. Hugo Swire, MP, Chair of the Conservative Middle East Council and Chair of the UAE All-Party Group, Nejat delegates described the worsening human rights situation for the remaining captives inside Camp Ashraf.

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On the wedding of Mr. Jamil Bassam

Nejat Society congratulates Mr. Jamil Bassam and his wife on their wedding…The cult of Mujahedin challenging the individuals rights, is trying to sacrifice humanitarian identity for organizational identity. So as they alter individuals into robots and thus exploiting them.Everyone and with any reason it may take distance from the MKO cult would get back to his own identity, culture and tradition in order to find what he has missed.

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Nejat Society Visits Geneva With Camp Ashraf Rescue Plan

A delegation from Nejat Society in Iran is in Geneva this week to participate in sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council and to meet with delegations from other international human rights organizations….Nejat Society wants every individual person in Camp Ashraf to be given the opportunity to decide for themselves – without pressure or interference from MKO / PMOI personnel – whether they want to continue wearing military uniform, or whether they want to take off their military uniform and renounce violence.

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Nejat Society Delegation travel to Geneva

A delegation from Nejat Society traveled to Geneva to participate the meeting of United Nations Human Rights Council and to visit the delegation from other international human rights organizations in order to prevent the political abuse of the remaining captives in Camp Ashraf…They made the officials aware of the threats that exist for the captured members in the cult..

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British Ambassador, paid a visit to the Nejat Society

The British Ambassador to Iran, Geoffrey Adams, along with a high ranking official from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) who was visiting the country required a meeting in the office of the Nejat society in Tehran. A number of members and associates of the society including Mr. Arash Sametipour, the international relations secretary, were present in the meeting.

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Protest over UK de-proscription of MEK

The Terrorist Hypocrites group (Muajhedin Khalq) was removed from the list of terrorist organizations by British government although it has had a long history of a thousand crimes, treasons, terrors ,assassinations and cooperation with the enemy of Iran during the “ Imposed War” ,spying and even torture against its own members forcing them to commit suicide operations and self – immolation …

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Symposium of Nejat Society in Tehran

In a one day symposium held on 2008-07-28 by the Nejat Society in Tehran, the members and the associates of the society as well as the families of members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) captive inside the Ashraf Camp in Iraq gathered from different provinces demanding the free access of the families to their children in Iraq.

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Nejat Society open Letter to Gordon Brown

We the undersigned, the families of the members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) who are based in the Ashraf Camp in Iraq, are seriously concerned about the recent decisions made by the British government…. The consequences of this decision which has been made for political interests is that our beloved ones captured both mentally and physically in the Ashraf Camp would be used as terror tools again

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Relatives of MKO Members Stage Rally

Families and relatives of the members of the anti-Iran armed opposition group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), staged a rally in front of the British embassy in Tehran on Monday to voice strong protest against the removal of the group from the list ..

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Nejat Society Letter to the Head of Iraqi Government

the board of ministers of the Iraqi Government has passed a resolution base on the Iraqi constitutional law which indicates that the Mojahidin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) and their base called the Ashraf camp in Iraq must be put under the control of the Iraqi government. …We believe that more the Iraqi government’s control is imposed over the Ashraf camp, sooner would these people be freed, sooner would they be released from captivity and wasting their lives, and sooner would they be able to see their families whom in some cases have not seen for over 20 years…

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