Nejat News

Once again Khuzestani families at Ashraf gates

The families of Ashraf residents from Khuzestan engaged for release of their children once more.They went to Camp Ashraf Iraq to assure their loved ones – held as hostages by the cult of Rajavi[ MKO/MEK/PMOI]- that they would do everything possible to help them release from the notorious camp Ashraf. The families wrote letters to Ms. Catherine Ashton and Iraqi Prime Minister…

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Two MKO defectors join their families

Two former members of the cult of Rajavi (Mujahedin Khalq Organization) who have recently escaped Camp Ashraf were welcomed at Nejat Society Mazandaran Branch on Tuesday, September 20th. Mr. Mohammad Reza Goli Eskardi and Mr. Ein allah shabani met their families at Nejat office where some other families of MKO captives were present, they wished the release of their loved ones …

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Nejat Society,Tehran families in front of Ashraf

The families of residents held in camp Ashraf, Iraq, left Tehran to join the others picketing at the Camp gates. Facing the gloomy atmosphere of the camp they are determined to bring hope, love and emotions back to humiliated hearts of their loved ones held as hostages by the Cult of Rajavi. The Beheshtis have lost one of their sons, Morteza in the MKO/MEK/PMOI…

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Darius Balafkandeh, MKO defector joined his family

The MKO/MEK/PMOI is nothing but a liar. Since the moment I decided to flee the strictly controlled system of Rajavi, I tried to reach Iraqi forces protecting Camp Ashraf with great difficultly. I was welcomed by families picketing in front of camp Ashraf. I have to say bravely that when I faced Iranian officials at the Embassy in Iraq, I was surprised to see their humanly kind treatment toward me. I found out that I had been influenced by Rajavi’s indoctrination..

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Mr. Darius Balafkandeh escaped Rajavis’ Cult Camp Ashraf

Mr. Darius Balafkandeh (Ghaffar) could bravely manage to escape Camp Ashraf where he was imprisoned for ten years. He dared to break physical and mental bars the cult of Rajavi had imposed on their life for years.He is now tasting freedom among his family especially his beloved old mother who had been awaiting his return for years.Nejat Society congratulates Mr. Balafkandeh‘s family on salvation of their beloved son from terrorist destructive cult of MKO.

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Nejat Society Announcement on Camp Ashraf Clashes

The clashes between Iraqi security forces and Camp Ashraf residents on Friday April8, can be analyzed from several points of view. Either the act of Iraqi forces was aimed to set up a new station or to put pressure on the cult leaders to leave Iraq, MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders should take the responsibility of the incidents..Families neither confirm nor deny the number of killed members published by the cult but they ask Iraqi government to remove labyrinth of bars in Camp Ashraf in order to make the cult leaders engaged in providing the residents the chance to visit their families ..

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Nejat Society Khuzestan Branch visit families of Ashraf captives

delegation of Nejat Society, Khuzestan office were welcomed by families of MKO captives..Members of Nejat Society reported the recent activities and situation of families picketing at Ashraf gates.Families appreciated efforts of Nejat NGO to release their loved children. Besides, they told their memoirs of visits with their beloveds at Camp Ashraf where they were not allowed to visit their children freely without the control of MKO officials. Families also declared their readiness to offer help to Nejat Society with their activities for salvation of Rajavi’s victims.

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A New group of MKO hostages’ families join others picketing at Ashraf Gate

A number of Isfahani and Mazandarani families join others picketing at Ashraf Gate.The families set off for Iraq Camp Ashraf along with the one-year strike of picketing families at Ashraf gates. They endeavor to visit their loved ones taken as hostages by MKO cult leaders.They called on humanitarian communities and the Red Cross to aid them to visit their brainwashed children.

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