Nejat News

Tabriz families to join Ashraf strike

A group of fourteen people of families of Ashraf residents left Tabriz for Baghdad along with the one-year strike of picketing families at Ashraf gates. They endeavor to visit their loved ones taken as hostages by MKO aka MEK/PMOI/PMOI cult leaders. It is of importance to call on Iraqi authorities and international human rights bodies to assist these families ..

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Gilani families join others picketing at Ashraf Gate

A number of Gilani families join others picketing at Ashraf Gate on February 9th,2011 set off for Iraqi Camp Ashraf chanting their motto”Open the doors of Ashraf”in order to visit their beloved ones captured by the cult of Rajavi. The 30-people group of family members of Ashraf residents are determined to tolerate all difficulties on their path to achieve their human, legal requests. They also called on humanitarian communities and the Red Cross to aid them to visit their brainwashed children..

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Ashraf Resident runs away from the Camp

Mr. Jalil Abdi escaped Camp Ashraf, Iraq.After years of slavery under the terrorist Cult of Rajavi, Mr. Abdi could manage to leave the Camp and join the families who are on strike at Ashraf gates. Nejat Society sends congratulations to Mr. Abdi and his family as well as all picketing families in front of Camp Ashraf on his salvation..

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Ashraf residents’ families now worried much more than before

Recently a number of families from Nejat Society Mazandaran branch went to Camp Ashraf, Iraq to visit their beloved ones. Although they couldn’t manage to convince MKO cult leaders to allow them meet their relatives, the travel had several enlightening consequences… Now families are worried much more than before about the condition, health and security as well as future of their relatives. They are trying to make their voice heard to ..

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Nejat Families of Fars Province to Camp Ashraf

A forty-people of family members of Ashraf residents who are representatives of Nejat NGO Office in Shiraz, Fars, traveled to Camp Ashraf Iraq to join other families awaiting there. They are hopeful to visit their loved ones who are captives of MKO aka MEK/PMOI terrorist Cult.So far large groups of families from various Iranian provinces have gone to Iraq to urge the Cult leaders to allow them visit their beloved children in a free atmosphere.

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A new Group of Families of Nejat travel to camp Ashraf

..families of Ashraf residents arrived at Ashraf gates to join the others who have been there since eight months ago..families’ maintenance near Ashraf has become a serious problem to the Camp Commandants. All members are talking about families despite their commandants warnings”, they said.”They gradually got to wonder why the organization fears their visit with families so much.”

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Mr. Alamdar Shaygan joined his family

Mr. Shaygan, The most recent escapee from the notorious terrorist cult of MKO, returned home and joined his family on 4th July,2010 after twenty two years of membership in the organization, … Mr. Alamdar Shaygan, escaped the MKO terror group on 24th April, 2010 after 22 years..

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Another MKO defector returned home

Mr. Ali Barzegar, a former member of MKO/MEK/PMOI, returned home after twenty years of membership in the organization, reported Nejat Society Gilan Office.Mr. Barzegar was welcomed by his family who had been awaiting his return since he had gone on compulsory military service twenty years ago when he was captured by MKO.

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Foreign journalists visit Nejat Society members in Shiraz

Following the arrival of a number of foreign journalists and reporters to cover the report on the conference to address nuclear disarmament held by IRI in Tehran, they traveled to Shiraz on April 20th, 2010 a number of victims of Mujahedin’s terrorist activities and some members of Nejat Society Shiraz branch visited the journalists.. .They asked the journalists to voice the Iranians’ call to protest against Western support for MEK. They condemned the West’s double standard towards the terrorist MEK/MKO/PMOI Cult.

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Nejat Families at Ashraf Gates

Another group of MKO members’ families who were mobilized by Nejat Society Khuzestan branch traveled to Iraq where they are hopeful to visit their beloved ones captured by Rajavi’s destructive cult. A number of families have already gone to Ashraf gates since two months ago, but they were prevented from visiting their children by MKO authorities.

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