Nejat’s Meetings

Akbar Mohebi returns to his family

Akbar Mohebi was warmly welcomed by his family who were so impressed…”I should say that I’m ashamed because I made you a lot of grieves during the years of my membership in MKO” he said, “ Although I am so happy about my return to my country and family, I feel very sad because I cannot see my father and mother alive among my family members…Hamid Hajipour, another defector who had returned to Gilan four months ago, also attended the little celebration.

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Mr. Jannat Sadeqi: The only responsible for grieves we bear is Rajavi

It is clear that Rajavi has always been on the wrong way but the families of Camp Ashraf residents are concerned about the lives of their beloved ones who are still behind the bars of hellish organization of Rajavi. Large group of families seek the accomplishment of Iraqi government’s ultimatum based on the expulsion of cult members from Iraq and the removal of Camp Ashraf. Immediately after the recent clashes at Camp Ashraf, they contacted Nejat Society ..

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Eternal Light caused the death of about 2700 MKO Members

On the occasion of the twenty-first anniversary of Eternal Light (Forough Javidan) Operation that caused the death of about 2700 members of Mujahedin Khalq Organization, Nejat Society held a meeting at Khuzestan Office where 15 defectors attended. In 1987, Eternal Light Operation was launched by MKO/PMOI/MEK across Iranian borders after the cease-fire between Iran and Iraq.

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Hajipur Ex-member of Rajavi’s Cult Welcomed by Nejat Families

Following his return, a lot of families who are members of Nejat Society in Gilan office, contact the office in order that they can get news about the health of their beloved ones in Camp Ashraf. To facilitate Mr. Hajipour’s visit with Nejat families, Gilan office held a meeting where the families welcomed Mr. Hajipour and asked about the condition of their children who are still captured in Camp Ashraf.

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True facts behind June 17th events

Nejat Society, Khuzestan branch held a meeting together with a number of families of Nejat NGO and a few defectors who have just returned home. During the 4 hour meeting, different aspects of June 17 events were discussed..Mr. Ali Ekrami noticed the active role of the cult’s leaders in intriguing and persuading the member to commit self-immolation, he described his observations of Camp Ashraf ..

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Family’s of Nejat Society meeting in Khuzestan

On Friday June, 2009, a delegation of members of Nejat Society, Khuzestan Branch including Mr. Hassani and Mr. Ekrami visited some families of Nejat Society in cities of Ahwaz, Andimeshk and Dezful. During the warm atmosphere of the visit, Nejat members were welcomed by Sajedy family whose son Gholam Ali is a captive in Rajavi’s cult. Gholam Ali’s father is now sick and he wishes to visit his son as his last desire in his life. Nejat Society affirmed on their mission to bring about Mr. Sajedi’s desire..

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Families of MKO members meeting in Ahwaz

The meeting was held with the presence of more than 50 families of MKO captives who are banned behind the bars of Rajavis’ cult and also some of the separated members. ..Mr. Ekrami member of Nejat Society then addressed the audiences under the title of “Active relations between families and Society, guaranties the release of hostages of MKO”.Mr. Maziyar Shirvani the former member of MKO who recently managed to release himself from the cult and joined his family explained aspects of the atmosphere rules the cult of Rajavi ..

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Nejat Society met Baroness Neville- Jones

Nejat Society delegation met in the House of Lords with Baroness Neville-Jones, Shadow Security Minister and National Security Adviser to the Leader of the Opposition…Baroness Neville-Jones expressed her sympathy for Nejat Society’s work toward finding a humanitarian solution to the problem posed by Camp Ashraf to the Iraqi government. Nejat Society said that the British government should by urged to support the Iraqi position toward the MKO. The Iraqi government has said the MKO will be given three choices.

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Nejat delegation met Shadow Minister for Sport in London

Shadow Minister for Sport, Mr Hugh Robertson met with the Nejat Society delegation in London to hear about their humanitarian solution for Camp Ashraf in Iraq. ..Mr Robertson was sympathetic to the stories of two women in the delegation who have not seen their relatives for many years because of MKO directives for members to divorce from their spouses, children and families…Mr Robertson agreed that a humanitarian approach should be followed in resolving the problem.

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