Personal Rights of Members in the MEK

I was trapped by the MKO for the love of Europe

After the Americans arrived, Camp Ashraf was disarmed and some of prisoners [members] ran away. My brother went to American Camp from where he tried to help me get released. When the MKO saw I was determined to leave the camp, they told my mother that I committed suicide so she had to come get my dead body. When my mother came, she asked to visit my brother and after they met, they couldn’t leave each other. I was so scared that my Mom would get into trouble.

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Mujahedin-e Khalq Leaders Abusing Followers in Iraq

The MeK was a long-standing member of the US State Department’s list of terrorist organizations, but after heavy lobbying the group was dropped from the list last year…Accord to Kobler, the UN receives “hundreds” of reports every day about violations by MeK leaders against people inside Camp Hurriya, restricting their movement, forbidding them from contacting family members, and keeping them from leaving…

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U.N. envoy accuses Iran group’s leaders in Iraq of rights abuses

“Of increasing concern are the human rights abuses in Camp Hurriya itself by the camp leadership,”Kobler said.”Hundreds of daily monitoring reports suggest that the lives of Camp Hurriya members are tightly controlled.””A significant number of residents have reported to U.N. monitors that they are not free to leave the camp, to participate in the resettlement process…

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Camp Liberty residents’ questions go unanswered

With reference to the sayings of Massoud Rajavi, one of the MEK officials said, “We lost our chance in the past election in 2009, if we lose our chance this time the overthrow of the regime will not be possible for another 8 years”. Apparently the cult had sent some sabotage teams into Iran who were arrested before they could do anything. In his internal …

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A Third Window to Freedom

When Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, made the humanitarian offer to take about 210 members of MKO, many began to consider it a promising sign that could be the beginning of an end to the residents’ sufferings and the beginning to promote cooperation of other countries and to pave the way to take more refugees. The offer was at first rejected by the group’s leaders

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MKO Responsible for any Bloodshed

A brief look at MKO-run media implies that the world is concerned about the dire situation of the group’s members residing in the transit Liberty camp scheduled to be transferred out of Iraq to other third countries if they are accepted. As recently, there are also many statements circulated on the group’s pages from a variety of dignitaries from Western countries as well as organizations condemning mortar attacks against Camp Liberty

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Open letter to the President of French National Assembly

As you know, Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (aka; MKO, MEK, NCRI,…) have booked a salon in Parc des Exposition de Villeprinte to celebrate the start of their terror activities in June 1981 killing many civilian people. 17 June is also the aniversary of the arrest of Mrs. Rajavi alongside 164 other Mojahedin Commanders …

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The MKO leadership victim of the US!?

the so-called National Council of Resistance accused the US State Department of “targeting the victims” because the department hadn’t appreciated “the efforts of the leadership” of the MKO. This time the secretariat of the NCR published an alleged “rebuttal” to the LA Times and once again accused it of “targeting the victims”. Why? Because Paul Richter of the LA Times reported that “The group leadership was not cooperating in the departures….

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