Personal Rights of Members in the MEK

Nejat society Letter to Albanian ambassador in Tehran

In the MKO, cult-like practices like manipulative brainwashing meetings and self-criticism sessions have completely convinced members to disregard their emotional and physical deprivations and instead to be absolutely obedient to the leader, Massoud Rajavi. Thus, they need more physical and emotional care than normal people do. That’s why their arrival in Albania can be the start of their liberation from all cult-like bars on their mind and body….

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MKO ex-Supporter Criticizes the Leader

Iraj Mesdaaghi, who has worked in support of the MEK for many years in Europe, published a 230 page open letter to Massoud Rajavi. He asks Rajavi to address this issue of internal dissatisfaction. He has gone into detail about many specific reactions Rajavi has had against ….

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Review of the situation of the inhabitants of Camp Liberty

Lately we received reports that Massoud Rajavi, despite his bravado, has lost control over a considerable part of his forces. He has clearly emphasized in his internal audio-conference with the inhabitants of Camp Liberty that he would not allow anyone to leave Iraq. So far he has blocked all possibilities of moving to third countries and …

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UNHCR must not let Rajavi decide the fate of 3000 hostages

The leaders of Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) want to keep the members as hostages whether they are in Camp Liberty or return to Camp Ashraf. Maryam Rajavi along with other commanders of the MEK in France has ordered the leaders in the camp to stop all interviews which the UNHCR was trying to carry out with the individuals. She claims to be the representative of these people.

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MKO sends fake letters to International Organizations

An Ex high ranking MEK member and human rights activist living in Europe, Mr. Behzad Alishahi has told MojahedinMonitor that MEK has been using identities of Iranians as well as non-Iranians to send fake letters and provide false information. He mentioned,”MEK has been trying to approach families and friends of its hostages in Iraq and asks them to sign a letter.” He adds, “The MEK`s letter is nothing but the will of the cult …

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part 3

We were given necklaces by Massoud that meant that we were connected to the leadership. As we were going ahead in meetings, new subjects would emerge. For example, after we got the necklaces, the subject “4 walls” [chardivari] was proposed; the meaning of the new subject was that we had an owner, named Massoud Rajavi. Maryam Rajavi typically told us:”You have the most handsome and the best husband in the world. How a married woman let herself think of another man?..

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member _ Part 2

I remember Maryam Rajavi’s arrest in Paris in 2003. After she was jailed by French judiciary because of money laundry activities and conducting terrorist acts, she said:”I expected to be jailed by the Iranian Regime not by a freedom loving country like France.” I should tell Mrs. Rajavi:” Mrs. Rajavi, Me and other people like me expected to be in the prisons of the Islamic Republic not in the prisons of the Rajavis who claim and chant that much of slogans!”

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A campaign that Rajavi does not like

It is mentioned in the declaration of the campaign, “We call upon the United Nations and other responsible organizations for the immediate safe transfer of these defenseless political asylums before anymore future attacks.” Despite the humanitarian nature of the campaign, Rajavi organization has mobilized its member and supporters to accuse founders and members of the campaign to be agents of Islamic Republic of Iran. One of the founders of the campaign, Mrs. Atefeh Eghbal, is a former high ranking MEK …

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Investigate the MEK and its critics

The only person preventing the residents in Camp Liberty from leaving and taking refuge in a safe place is the leader of the MEK, Massoud Rajavi. He is therefore the only person who can answer this question. Only he can explain to all the suffering families why their loved ones are still in the path of danger. Why, after ten years, they are still unable to walk freely from the camp and continue their lives in freedom and safety…

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Inhabitants of Liberty do not enjoy the minimum of security

Urgent call – … The truth is that Liberty is much smaller than Ashraf and Rajavi’s cultic apartheid cannot be enforced in it so easily; gossip spreads quicker amongst the people and therefore cultic control is much harder. What has no place in Rajavi’s scheming is the life of the members of his cult and he even prefers to have more casualties for using in his propaganda campaign. It must be mentioned that returning to Ashraf …

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