Personal Rights of Members in the MEK

Idolizing the Dead, MKO’s Survival Desideratum

Blood, shed from its own members or those in opposite front, builds the cornerstone of MKO. The Rajavis, the husband-wife leaders of the group, are of the opinion that the rightness of any ideology is maintained by the number of its casualties and martyrs; included in their political and ideological framework, the life and death of man is so simple an issue like drinking water. Ask any defected member and they would promptly enumerate plain examples of the glorification of violence and death-seeking attitude within the organization,..

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Open letter to the Swedish parliament

In March 1991 Massoud and Maryam Rajavi gave the order to massacre the Kurds with the heavy weapons given to them by Saddam and therefore stopped the Kurds from reaching Baghdad. This massacre of the Kurds is the most disgusting and shameful part of the history

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Letter of Sahar Family Foundation to Mr. Martin Kobler

According to the information we have received, each unit of the Rajavi cult inside Camp Liberty has a legal and political liaison ‘representative’ who is the only person authorized to have contact with UN officials when they enter the camp. They are instructed to continuously complain about conditions in the camp…

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Nejat Society Statement on Canadian Decision to Delist the MKO

Once the MKO is delisted, what about the blood of thousands of people assassinated and tortured by the group? The recent decision sounds like a political signal to Islamic Republic of Iran, rather than an action to protect democracy and human rights. Thus, you can also recognize Saddam Hussein, Muammar Qaddafi and other brutal dictators as peace activists and human rights defenders!

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French Assembly, Why did you invite Maryam Rajavi?

When Mrs Maryam Rajavi speaks about human rights, you should know that there are 3200 MEK members who have been held captive in Iraq in Camp Liberty on her direct order. Of this total more than half are willing to return to their normal life, if allowed their freedom. Currently, members who show any hint of dissent and those who want to separate from the MEK …

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French Journalist: MKO Members Infected with HIV

French journalist and author Thierry Meyssan said that the country’s government during the presidency of François Mitterrand supplied the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCR) with HIV-infected blood to be injected to defiant members and defectors.

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MKO Concerned about Human Rights!

Appreciated as an overall promising and urging move, the attendance is being criticized by the leaders of the forcefully relocated MKO aka MEK/PMOI that the Iraqi government is decisive to expel from its soil for its very same role in violation of human rights and many Iraqi rules as well as interfering in domestic affairs. In a statement issued by the group…

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Nejat Society Letter to the UN Secretary General

the leaders of the MKO seek to turn Camp Liberty to a small-size Camp Ashraf, with the same regulations and the same cult-like structure. They have ramped up suppression against members in order to prevent the collapse of the group. Thus, their last resort for the time being is to push the UN to recognize Liberty as a Refugee Camp. This way, they can prolong their stay ..

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