Personal Rights of Members in the MEK

MEK has turned Camp Liberty into a prison

She adds that MEK/MKO/PMOI leaders have ordered a kind of separation and segregation. Every 3-4 residential building in the camp are set for a group of members and they have to spend their time inside the isolated section.”They are using some sort of curtains to cover each section. People have to stay inside this area even for eating. So the only things they can see are a few others and the sky.”

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Camp Liberty resembles a prison?

In her recent act of disinformation, Maryam Rajavi addressed Estonian Parliament calling for support for the so called resistance of the Iranian people (!) against Islamic Republic. She dares to represent herself as Iranians’ attorney, while she doesn’t comply with the most basic human rights within her own camps either in Iraq or France. ..

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MKO members fate as the victims continue to remain unsolved

And MKO was removed from the list. But did it change the fate of Ashraf and Liberty’s residents to be sent and resettled in other countries? Absolutely not. The residents are now placed in a humanitarian plight that can be condemned as inhumane and practiced only in cultic settlements. And of course, the brag and show of those meetings in which American advocates lauded delisting of MKO …

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Will the victims of MKO Cult be forgotten?

The US State Department has recently come to the conclusion that the MEK is no longer a terrorist organization. The reason given is that the group has apparently not committed any terrorist act for more than a decade and has seemingly abandoned the use of violence to reach its political goals. The question this raises is, according to the US administration and the US judicial system, how many years are needed to consider the crimes of a terrorist group whitewashed? ..

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Now Focus Attention Back On Rajavi’s Hostages In Camp Liberty

In Iraq the estranged families of MEK members have maintained a vigil outside both Camp Ashraf – and now Camp Liberty – for nearly three years. These families have travelled to Iraq to try and get news of and contact with their loved ones who are being held hostage by the Rajavi cult… The Americans in Iraq have done nothing to help these families reach their loved ones.

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Rajavi is not their representative, he is the problem

The truth is that Massoud Rajavi still insists that only he can talk on behalf of all the MEK victims and hostages. Yet, all those who managed to escape from both Ashraf and Liberty admit that they had no idea about the outside world and they were afraid of everything outside the organization and so accepted every possible risk when they decided to flee…

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Maryam Rajavi, Leader of MKO Cult Is Lying

From 2003 to 2009 the Ashraf camp was under the supervision and control of the American army and they were helping them by giving medication, medical facilities and fuel and foodstuff, but none of those items mentioned above reached to the hands of the members of this cult . those items either were sold in the Iraq black market or was in monopolization of the cult leaders. ..

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New deaths in Camp Ashraf – Tragic life of MEK members

According to the MEK’s official website another member of the organization died in Camp Ashraf. The man’s name was announced as Mohammad Taataii. This is the third MEK person who has died during the past two weeks in Camp Ashraf. Last week another MEK high ranking woman, Batoul Rajaii, lost her life in a hospital..

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