Personal Rights of Members in the MEK

The democracy Rajavi believes in

To clarify the type of democracy the MKO speaks of an example of their so-called pro- democracy acts should be noticed: Prior to the June23 gathering, several former members of the group staged a rally voice their resentment at the terrorist activities of the MKO ..The defectors rally was confronted by a number of MKO members wielding knives, snap-off blade cutters, chains and baseball bats..

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MEK victims warn Lobby groups

With the MEK’s financial sources exposed it has become possible for victims to pursue a class action to claim compensation directly from the Rajavis. Victims of the MEK aka MKO/PMOI, who say their basic human rights were denied them for years, have launched a legal case for compensation …

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Delisting MKO Terrorists for Humanitarian Causes!

Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK/MKI/PMOI strategy of armed warfare that constitutes its organizational infrastructure from its very formation has confronted the organization with a new challenge in spite of its widespread propaganda to convince the West it has made revisions. But it seems that MKO …

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Has France become a haven for the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq?

Commanders and members of the PMOI/MKO/MEK, located in Auvers sur Oise, are included on the blacklist of Canada, the USA and Australia. How come these people are free in France even though they are planning terrorist operations against Iranians? The U.S. State Department and Human Rights Watch reported that the Rajavi cult mistreated dissidents…

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MKO Kills Members Intending Defection

In 2003, a number of members announced officially and publicly that they wanted to defect from the MKO/MEK/PMOI but they were killed by cyanide tablets at the direct order of Rajavi (the terrorist group’s main ringleader)..after killing the defected members, the MKO announced that they had been killed during a bombardment of Camp Ashraf, the terrorist group’s main stronghold and training center in Iraq.

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Ali Jahani Fard letter to the Iraq Prime Minister

We know that the leaders of this notorious cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] specifically the Rajavis after the fall of the former dictator of Iraq , Saddam Hussein , have played their role as the opposition of your legitimate and popular government and these leaders according to their violent essence and content have tried their best to preserve Ashraf , ..

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Mr. Fatahiyan Open letter to the honorable PM of Iraq

I , Ghafour Fatahiyan, one of the former members of People’s Mujahedin Organization(MKO, PMOI, Rajavi’s cult) who spent 20 years of my life in this cult. Since my affiliation to this organization , from the first day till my leaving time , I had to go through many harsh ordeals and I was under severe tortures which is unthinkable and unbelievable. The organization which I and the people like me entered in it with honesty and sincerity and pure intentions , but..

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An Iranian mystery: Just who are the MEK?

Ex-MEK member Eduard Termado is now living in Germany… He joined the MEK hoping to help Iranian democracy and did not like what he saw. He says that after three years he asked to leave, but was told he couldn’t. He stayed for 12 years. He now says joining the MEK was the biggest mistake of his life and he has expressed that feeling in an unusual way. He has married and produced three children.”My family is my protest against the MEK,”

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MKO hostages unaware of their basic rights

UN’s representatives investigating the refugee status of Mujahedin-e Khalq elements in Iraq called these individuals’ unawareness of their most basic rights as “the main hurdle in determining their refugee status”.The report adds that although the process has not yet been started, the sporadic conversations of UN representatives with these individuals reveal that three decades of life in the Ashraf prison and Rajavi’s indoctrination sessions..

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The Suffering Souls that Profit

According to released news by MKO’s/MEK/PMOI media, a member of the group, Nour Mohammad Biranvand, died of hepatic failure in the New Iraq Camp (Camp Ashraf). Confirming the report, an Iraqi Security source told AlIraqinews (AIN) that “The element died for heart failure.” The group claims that he was long suffering the disease and inaccessibility to specialist hospital and doctors was the cause of his death.

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