Personal Rights of Members in the MEK

Iranpur family write to Mr. Kubiš (UNAMI), about their loved ones taken hostage by Mojahedin Khalq

I need to offer some clarifications in regards with the letter my son, Mohammad Reza Iranpur, to you, which was published in Iran Probe website (, belonging to People’s Mujahedin of Iran (Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MEK)), on June 17, 2016. We, the members of Iranpur family, have been deprived from visiting our two sons, Mohammad Reza and Ahmad Reza, and our repeated requests to international organizations …

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MKO ex-members protest action in Cologne

The human rights activists who participated the gathering appealed for the basic rights of MKO Cult members who are under the systematic manipulation practices of the Cult leaders.Homeira Mohammadnejad, Zahra Moeini, Batoul Soltani, Ali Jahani, Nader Keshtkar, Davoud Baghervand Arshad, Amir Mowaseghi, Mehdi Khoshhal and Abdolkarim Mahmoudi participated the rally.

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Gender Segregation Everywhere in the MKO Cult

Constant human rights violation and gender segregation are in the essence of the MKO/MEK/PMOI as terrorist destructive cult even if it is relocated to Europe the heart of democracy in a camp in Albania; and even if its propaganda resorts to each and every means possible.

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How Mujahedin Khalq abducted my brothers

Two weeks later Mostafa called us. While crying he said “.. why didn’t my sister come here.. they will kill me…,” he was crying when the connection suddenly cut out. Tanks God. We were lucky that the Rajavi army didn’t succeed to take another member of our family as hostage.After the last call we could not find my brothers….

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Families of Rajavi’s hostages in Camp Liberty ask Ban Ki-moon for help

MKO (Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization) is one of the terrorist groups, maybe more dangerous than it, that captured some of Iranian family members over 30 years and makes them for terrorist actions.Hereby we remind you of some crimes of the terrorist faction heads (MKO): Assassination and terrorism before Islamic Revolution such as assassination of some American advisors and top managers…

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How to end the Cult of Rajavi

Thus, it is absolutely vital to help and facilitate the release of the members who are still taken as hostages in the Cult of Rajavi. Most of the group members will eventually walk away from the totalitarian system, but this may take place after decades of exploitation and personality destruction. So-, it is vitally important to stop the cult-like dominance of the Rajavis.

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MKO former member: Rajavi is a loser

Sirous Ghazanfari is a defector of Mujahedin-e Khalq Cult. In 2004 he separated the group and repatriated to his homeland. Now Sirous has his own business. He is married and has two children.In an interview with Nejat Society Mr. Ghazanfari talks about his experiences within the MKO/MEK/PMOI Cult and his life after separation from the cult…

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