Personal Rights of Members in the MEK

Let Ayoub Lorestani’s lawyer contact him at Camp Liberty

Even though we keep track on Ayoub’s transfer to a third country via a lawyer in Australia and the UNHCR has accepted to cooperate on the issue, the Mujahedin-e Khalq are not cooperative. During these two years we have several times contacted the MKO officials; however they do not reply us. .. ….. Do the MKO members’ families deserve such behaviors?!

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Family, Menacing Icon for the Cult of Rajavi

On the other side of the battle, the MKO’s/MEK/PMOI propaganda does not remain silent. It publishes a so-called letter of families of liberty residents to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. In the alleged letter, the alleged “liberty residents’ families residing in Europe and the United States” are “gravely concerned” about the lives of their children!The so-called letter is a failed tactic because of the numerous evidences…

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Mujahedin-e Khalq imprisoned me for 14 years

I immigrated to Turkey for sewing; the work I was proficient at. After a month I met a man who said he could send me to Europe via Iraqi border providing me with a good job and residency. I was fascinated by his false propaganda. In a week he provided my documents. Then I was transferred to Iraq and Camp Ashraf…

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Open letter to UNHCR

Considering all the facts and the grim condition of the Camp and its residents, we urge you to contact each individual personally oppose to listening to their so called “representatives”. It is the basic right of every citizen in a free society, even in prisons, and should not be denied to these individuals …

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UN violate the rights of Liberty residents!

They told Nejat Society that the UN officials used to patrol in Camp Liberty from time to time and if they were faced with a resident who wanted to speak about his problems, they would tell him “Go and come with your superior commandant”!In the MKO, as a cult-like group, members have no personal space. They are deprived…

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Letter to the UNHCR

we have been inundated by calls in the past couple of weeks by the families of the residents of Camp Liberty in Iraq who wish to learn about their loved ones trapped in the Rajavi Cult known as the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, MeK, NCRI, NLA, PMOI).In this letter we as their representative …

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Human Rights activists to denounce the Cult of Rajavi

Human Rights activists held a rally in front of the European Parliament in Brussels to denounce the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO). Honoring the World Day against Death Penalty, the participants of the rally who all used to be high ranking members of the MKO/MEK/PMOI, carried pictures and placards to reveal the true face of the group.

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