Personal Rights of Members in the MEK

MKO leader threaten members to death penalty

On the occasion of October 10th, World Day Against Death Penalty , the Mujahedin Khalq Organization’s propaganda arm, holds an alleged conference in Paris where its leader Maryam Rajavi claimed,” Our plan is an Iran without the death penalty”(!)Meanwhile, a number of defectors of the MKO/MEK/PMOI hold rallies, take actions and issue statements…

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Speaking of human Rights, Paradox of the Cult of Rajavi

There are a lot of more families who were torn by the MKO either in its terror acts or as a result of the cult-like despotic approach by its leaders. By contrast, today Maryam Rajavi who speaks under the so-called title of “president-elect”, boasts of human rights and democracy that she could bring to the Iranian people.Over a decade the MKO’s misinformation campaign…

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Facebook account for liberty residents! An outrageous lie

Families of the residents of Camp Liberty who had picketed behind the gate of the Camp probing the visit of their loved, did not succeed to meet them during the due time that they were allowed to picket by the UN officials. The leaders of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) claim that all Liberty residents have Facebook accounts with real IDs

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The MKO Cult strive to survive in Tirana

According to Mr. Khodabandeh’s information, the MKO/MEK/PMOI has bought a campus called Vitrina in Albanian capital in order to build another concentration camp like Ashraf. This way they can manage their mind control system much better. “Cults need an isolated place where they can cut the contacts between their followers and the outside world…

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Victims of the MKO Need Help

Mostafa was visiting the headquarters of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) in Auvers sur d’Oise, Paris when he was beaten up by some of the thugs of the group. He was violently encountered because he was asking the group leader to allow him to meet with his daughter Somayeh. ..

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What would Iran look like if the Mojahedin-e Khalq were its government?

They[the MKO/MEK/PMOI] are quite controversial, and many documentaries and news sources describe this group as a cult, not just a militant political group. It also says it wants secularism, even though all its female members are forced to wear hejabs.. do you think they would truly uphold democracy if succeeding in taking power in Iran, or would they attack and kill ..

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