The MEK and the Iranian People

Handling Of Iran Is Juvenile. MEK the darling of Trump Admin

The MEK has been the darling of the Administration as a potential successor to the mullahs because they both dislike the Iranian regime. Never mind that the MEK objected when [Ayatollah]Khomeini decided to release the hostages, that it has been a terrorist organization and killed Americans. Never mind that it has no support in Iran because it backed Iraq against Iran in a war that left 300,000 Iranians dead

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Extreme right of Europe and Netanyahu’s new mission to Rajavi Cult

Former Mossad head Meir Dagan, in an interview with CBS, revealed that Israel is helping the MKO and armed terrorist groups whose mission is to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran. Saudi Arabia has for a long time been the main sponsor of MEK as it has been shown by the attendance of the influential figures of Saudi royal family in the meetings of the terrorist group in the European countries. In recent years, the progress of Saudi Arabia’s relations with the Zionist regime and their …

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Bolton’s Plan for Mideast Included Strikes on Iran, Syria, and Iraq

Mujahedeen Khalq (MEK), was listed as a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” by the United States government from 1997 and 2012 and, in the past, has conducted terror acts to accomplish its goals, killing Iranians as well as Americans in the process. More recently, MEK has worked with Israeli Intelligence to murder Iranian scientists. Since its removal from the government’s terror group list …

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