The MEK and the Iranian People

MEK Sources of funds are Iran’s regional rivals: ex-CIA official

If the MEK is opposed to the current political order in Tehran, that’s all that matters to the Trump administration. The sources of funds always have been unclear. The most likely sources are states that are regional rivals of Iran. terrorist group is still a terrorist group even if the blood it spills is not American blood. The MEK certainly has been involved in lethal political violence since 2009 …

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‘Terrorists Easily Live in US’ – Iranian Minister

According to Dehqani, Washington has in recent years attempted to use terrorist groups, notably the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCRI), to destabilize the situation in Iran. Founded in 1960, the MKO blends elements of Islamism and Stalinism and even participated in the overthrow of the US-backed Shah of Iran in 1979. Ahead of …

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