The MEK and the Iranian People

MKO Terrorists Working in Collusion with CIA: US Commentator

Examining what the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) is, and is not, will assist in understanding claims made by the MEK/MKO/PMOI. Some observers have characterized the MEK/MKO/PMOI as a Leftist political organization, even a Marxist revolutionary group. Much could be written about how Leftist political ideology, and particularly Marxism, has come to have almost no meaning in modern usage. As Leftist politics applies to the MEK, such labeling …

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Iran, a Major Victim of Terrorism

On 28 June 1981, bombs set by the MKO killed 70 high-ranking officials of the Islamic Republic Party, including Chief Justice Mohammad Beheshti who was the second highest official after Ayatollah Khomeini at the time. Two years after the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the MKO detonated bombs at the headquarters of the now-dissolved Islamic Republic Party. Two months later, the MKO detonated another bomb in the…..

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Once More “Backing the Winning Horse” Doesn’t Work for the MKO

The new US administration under Donald Trump seem to be the ideal “Imperialism” for the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/ MEK/ Cult of Rajavi). The recent belligerent steps of President Trump and his republican colleagues have been warmly welcome by the group. This “confrontation” cheers up the MKO propaganda websites because it is replaced by what they call….

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Iran: Joint Takfiri – MKO plot against Iran failed

President of the Supreme National Defense University of Iran described Takfiri (extremist) movements as a scheme to impede Iran’s regional influence, saying Takfiris even look for intelligence aid from the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (aka: Mojahedin Khalq, MEK, Rjavi cult) to harm Iran. Addressing a cultural ceremony in Tehran on Friday, Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said there is clear evidence that …

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Probable Trump Foreign Policy cheer the MKO up!

The MKO/MEK/PMOI propaganda praises certain nominees that Donald Trump has settled for Secretary of State because they are its top paid speakers in its propaganda events. Daniel Benjamin, former coordinator of Counter terrorism Bureau of the State Department was one of the targets of the group before it was removed from the FTO list in September 2012. He writes an op-ed in …

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Iranophobes on Parade

Israel’s Mossad planned and prepared the killing of the scientists with a little help from the U.S., attacks which were almost certainly carried out by associates of the radical Marxist group Mujaheddin e Khalq (MEK), which is now being seen favorably by several Trump advisors even though the group is Marxist, cult-like and has killed Americans …

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Saudis use terrorism as tool against Iran: Pundit

The Saudi officials support anti-Iran terrorist groups like the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO)/MEK/PMOI, which has “martyred over 17,000 Iranians and officials in the last three decades.” Saudi Arabia has paid “hundreds of thousands of dollars to terrorists” inside Pakistan to arm and regroup them to wreak havoc on Iran, he said, adding that the Saudi consulate …

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