The MEK and the Iranian People

Iran’s approach toward Saudi hostility

Saudi officials have also explicitly expressed support for an anti-Iran terrorist group known as Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO). The MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorists have carried out numerous attacks against Iranian civilians and government officials since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, killing thousands of people.

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Trusting the cult of Rajavi to fight inequalities is a huge gaffe

Professor Sahimi accurately conclude that “the efforts to break Iran up will ultimately fail, as Iran has existed for thousands of years”. [7]Separatists and their allies particularly the Cult of Rajavi aka MKO/MEK/PMOI should know that Iranian nationality is one single identity that all ethnic minorities of Iran are living under it and brightened Iranians are those who seek a peaceful world together

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Dirty deals between the MKO, Saudis and their lobbyists in the US

Surprising is the recent allegations made by one of the American sponsors of the MKO/MEK/PMOI, former senator “Joe Lieberman” in his piece on the Wall Street Journal in which he has tried to link Iran to 9/11!Lieberman is a famous pro-war figure against Iran. He was the one who called on bombing Iran in a 2010 speech to the Council of Foreign Relations. Lieberman who is a paid speaker for the MKO, ….

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Washington uses the MKO to fight a covert war against Iran

The MKO has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks in Iran. On August 20, 1992, the terrorist organization claimed responsibility for a grenade attack on the home of the Majlis deputy in the city of Kudasht in the province of Loristan in a report broadcast on the “Voice of Mojahed” radio. On October 12, the MKO claimed responsibility for twin bomb blasts at Imam Khomeini’s mausoleum south of Tehran, which has thousands of visitors each day. On October 15, they claimed credit for blowing up a gas station….

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Saudi Arabia’s ambivalent relationship to terrorism

The royal family sees terrorism as an extreme security threat, but it still has to align itself with the Wahhabi scholars in terms of ideology,” says Sebastian Sons. This means that the monarchy is constantly forced to tolerate its – at times radical – world view. They rarely have the luxury of refusing to give their support. “The structure of the Saudi state is based upon the alliance between Wahhabi scholarship and the House of Saud. That is a unsolvable dilemma for the royal family …

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Iran destroys 4 overseas terror groups, invites Saudi Arabia to be rational

About the upcoming visit of the head of MEK, Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, an anti-Iran terrorist group exiled in France and Iraq, Maryam Rajavi, to Saudi Arabia, he called Saudi officials to take rational and wise measures since stability and security of the region would also benefit the Arab kingdom. In regard to Iran-UK relations, he said “one of the objectives of the Foreign Ministry is to normalize its relations with the countries that we have no problems with.” He …

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Selling out your country to enemies, the MKO’s full-time job

.. the MKO/MEK/PMOI has committed the most treasonous acts against its own nation. The irony is that the group’s propaganda condemns the execution of Amiri as a criminal act and denies that it has cooperated with Israel for the assassination of several Iranian nuclear scientist. Possibly, the MKO claims that all the above mentioned references

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Is Saudi Arabia really seeking regime change in Iran?

One anonymous source at the Iranian Foreign Ministry told the Tehran Times on July 10 that Faisal’s statements showed Saudi Arabia’s “stupidity, indecency and political frustration.” Other Iranian officials have referred to the former Saudi spy chief’s remarks as further proof of Riyadh’s “support for terrorism.” …

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