The MEK and the Iranian People

Tehran calls S. Arabia ‘founding father of Daesh, al Qaeda’

such important information about the resources of a country which shelters terrorism will not escape the public opinion of the world and of nations which fell victim to terrorism after the September 11,” the spokesman remarked. On July 9, Prince Turki al-Faisal, Saudi Arabia’s former spy chief, attended an annual meeting of the MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorist group in Paris where ,,,

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Saudi-MKO Alliance, a Political Idiocy

Slavin confirms rumors about Saudis’ long-standing support for the MKO, “It’s entirely possible that the Saudis have funded the MEK/MKO/PMOI for years.” [3] So, In case of Turkie and other rich Arab figures MKO’s speaking fees do not create the motivation to take such hostile stances against the Islamic Republic. “The Sunni Gulf states….

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Grand Controversy as MEK can’t prove leader Massoud Rajavi is dead or alive

Whether Rajavi is already dead or now killable is not known – only he can answer this – but he and his whole organisation are certainly now, body and soul, in the capable hands of the Saudi Prince. If he is still alive, Rajavi’s only role is to act as go-between to instruct his wife what she must do on behalf of the Saudis. If he is dead, some other operative will easily do instead. ..

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Iran: Faisal’s attendance at Mojahedin Khalq meeting signifies Saudi stupidity

An informed source at the Iranian Foreign Ministry said on Sunday that Saudi Arabia uses terrorism against the Muslim countries in the Middle East as an “instrument” to achieve its objectives. The comments by the Foreign Ministry source came as Prince Turki al-Faisal, Saudi Arabia’s former spy chief, attended an annual meeting of the MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorist group in Paris on Saturday during which he pledged …

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17,000 Dead Iranians. Who Knows? Who Cares?

The MeK/MKO/PMOI has been very successful in the United States in paying American politicians and former government officials to represent the MeK. Along with the demonization with which the American government has colored Iran with since 1979, these political efforts by the MeK have succeeded in making many American leaders believe the MeK can be useful to US interests in the Middle East. Whether or not they know …

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Zionist Lobbies Exploit the MKO

The Iranian American journalist Ali Gharib’s recent piece on Lobelog about Zionists-MKO relations also points out how terribly this relationship is based on benefits of Israel. “Perhaps some right-wing Israel lobby groups can be forgiven for taking up the cause of the exiled Iranian opposition group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK),” writes Ali Gharib..

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