The MEK and the Iranian People

The Cult of Rajavi, a tool for Iran hawks

Although the MKO’s propaganda usually does not succeed to run its anti-Iranian agenda in the international community –because of its very insignificant role in the region—there are some groups who indulge it. The American Iran hawks as well as Saudi authorities try to coddle the MKO in response to material and spiritual services the group offers them…

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US Looking for Chance to Disturb Iran Security

the Americans’ footprints are seen in every insecurity in Iran and in the regional states, adding that the US tries to harm Iran’s security through the terrorist groups in the nearby countries, the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as MEK, PMOI and NCRI), the opposition forces and Saddam Hussein’s 8-year-long imposed war against Iran (1980-1988)…

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Destabilizers for Hire at Camp Liberty – Country #7 on the Neocon “Hit List”

Lieberman casually declares his suggestion and intent to disrupt the government of another country by supporting a once-declared terrorist group[MKO/MEK/PMOI]. Why would Lieberman be concerned about the rights and freedoms of Iranians. He is not, yet pretends to be.Let us be clear. There was never a threat of WMD from Iraq, yet the country was deliberately destroyed …

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The Mujahedeen e-Khalq: The US Prepares to Back a New Terrorist Army in Iran, Prelude to a Wider War?

While Lieberman, General Jones, and Colonel Martin all failed categorically to accurately describe the true nature of the MEK terrorists they seek to support in a proxy war with Iran, the US policy papers these three lobbyists are reading from have done so and in great detail…MEK is a Listed Terror Organization for a Reason..MEK has carried out decades of brutal terrorist attacks, assassinations, and espionage against the Iranian

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The MKO, Fan club of Saudi Arabia

While the Islamic republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia are at a high level of tensions that may end to a war, the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) cannot conceal its pleasure of a disturbed relationship between Iran and its neighbors.Once, the MKO leader Massoud Rajavi took a lot of advantages from the war between Iran and Iraq although he lost his least support among the Iranian public due to ….

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Victory of Diplomacy over war disappointed the MKO

Following the victory of Senate Democrats of the US Congress to block Republicans’ efforts to reject the nuclear deal agreed between Iran and the six world powers, the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO) seems too disappointed to be able to recover from the defeat of the Israeli lobby (AIPAC) in the US Congress…

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The MKO treacherous alliance with the former Iraqi dictator

The war episodes remained in the historical memory of Iranian nation. One Chapter of the war yet was bitterer to the Iranian people: Although all Iranians whatever their religion or political view would be, united to resist the enemy, just one group hand in hand with the enemy took arm against their own fellow countrymen. This betrayer group was Mujahedin Khalq.

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Rastgou; Open letter to Obama

This should prove, that supporting the nuclear deal does not mean supporting the Iranian regime. But this is what those, who lobby against the deal, especially the “Mojahedin-e-Khalg Organization” (MEK/MKO/PMOI)” try to make their followers believe. The deal´s opponents …

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