The MEK and the Iranian People

The”Possible Military Dimensions”Bomb That Could Blow Up the Iran Deal

A popular Israeli history of the most successful covert operations by Israel’s Mossad, originally published in Hebrew in Israel, asserts that Mossad provided some of the documents to the MEK/MKO/PMOI that later become the centerpiece of the case against Iran.ElBaradei also reveals in his memoirs that the IAEA received another series of purported Iranian documents directly from Israel ….

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US-Israel Wage War on Iran in Syria

For those who have difficulties believing the US would back Al Qaeda terrorists for the purpose of overthrowing the governments of Libya, Egypt, and Syria, they need only look at overt and continuous support for MEK/MKO/PMOI/NCRI terrorists in a bid to overthrow the government of Iran to uncover the reality of Washington’s willingness to sponsor terrorism.

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The MKO disappointed by Mossad?

The revealing report was published by the Guardian while the Israeli leader Netanyahu is making efforts to obstruct the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the West. Of-course to achieve such an objective the Zionist regime is not alone. The Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/ MEK/ the Cult of Rajavi) have been closely…

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The Terror Bombing, the Prosecutor, the Spy and Mossad

The MEK officials claimed to know the exact day, hour, place and agenda of the meeting (although two different dates were mentioned). But an exile group, which had been at war with the Islamic regime for 13 years, obviously was not in a position to obtain such information. And the MEK/MKO/PMOI had long been a client of the Mossad, …

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The Iranian Mojahedin-e Khalq and Its Media Strategy

A review authored by Massoud and Anne Khodabandeh has been published in Asian Politics and Policy, Media Reviews. The article titled ‘The Iranian Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) and Its Media Strategy: Methods of Information Manufacture’ looks at the MEK’s historical manipulation of various media over thirty years …

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Maryam Rajavi – Cheerleader for Israel

Perhaps it is this astounding – or practiced – ignorance which allows the Council of Europe to allow use of their buildings as a platform to introduce Maryam Rajavi as an ‘Iranian opposition leader’ who speaks as some kind of expert on the danger of only one specific source of terrorism while at the same time …

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The MKO Adore Hypocrisy on Human Rights

The self-claimed president of the group, Maryam Rajavi uses this opportunity to describe the 61st resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 18, 2014, “as another decisive document on illegitimacy of having economic and political relationship with the ruling clerical regime in Iran.”Prior to the recent resolution, in November Dr. Ismail Salami wrote on the Global Research….

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MKO along the lines of Western hardliners

As the co-leader of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization, Maryam Rajavi, calls on the West for more sanctions against Iran, her leading sponsor in the US Congress is demanding new sanctions to pressure Iranian government. The US-MEK campaign is paired with Israeli propaganda against Iran. Immediately after a seven-month extension in talks between P5+1 was announced,….

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