The MEK and the Iranian People

Mossad used Mojahedin Khalq for years

He recapped how the documents were passed to Germany’s intelligence agency by a member of the Mujahideen-E-Khalq (MEK) an Iranian terrorist organisation in exile, which has been a client of Israel’s Mossad spy agency for several years. German intelligence and many other government officials …

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Historian: Israel gave fake Iran dossier to MKO

In an interview with Press TV, Gareth Porter said he has evidence of MKO’s submission of documents to the German intelligence in 2004, claiming that Iran has been seeking to develop nuclear weapons.“And the MKO undoubtedly got them from Israel – A document that connects the MKO and Israel that the MKO had been laundering intelligence for the Israelis ….

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Was the Iranian threat fabricated by Israel and the U.S.?

Among the indicators that the documents originated in Israel is the fact that the MEK is not sophisticated enough to have fabricated such a large number of documents, and the well-known history of the terrorist organization’s close working relations with Israeli intelligence. Equally important is the fact that former IAEA director general ElBaradei revealed in his memoirs that Israel had passed on documents and intelligence reports to the IAEA…..

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The MKO’s collaboration with terrorists; whoever wherever

Evidence of collaborating with terrorists in Syria and elsewhere is the issue for more impeachment of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization. The MKO connection with radical extremists has entered into an alliance with the world’s leading terrorist organization al-Qaeda and eventually its factions in Syria —in their zeal to overthrow the present governments in Syria and Iran.

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Why Canada is getting it wrong on Iran

The MEK appearance at the programme reportedly made the UN special rapporteur for human rights in Iran, Ahmed Shaheed, to withdraw from the event, the Nation’s Ali Gharib reported on Wednesday. To much criticism by the Iranian authorities, Shaheed has extensively reported on the violations of rights in Iran …

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MKO terrorists used for information laundry

the documents were provided to Germany’s intelligence service by an occasional source who was part of the Iranian-exile terrorist organization Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK). The obviously self-interested MEK member was thus the Iranian equivalent of the now-discredited Iraqi source known as “Curveball,” whose tales of mobile bioweapons labs in Saddam’s Iraq became the centerpiece of the Bush

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Just what Tel Aviv ordered? Inside the”manufactured”Iran nuclear crisis

IAEA used documents as the reference of its allegations and accusations against Iran that were provided to it either directly by Israel or through the terrorist cult Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MKO or MEK) which was just recently removed from the U.S. Department of State’s list of foreign terrorist organizations in an attempt to provide political shelter for the group which sees Tel Aviv as one of its main benefactors and sponsors.

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The Manufactured Story about Iran’s Nuclear Program

Around the same time, in the absence of any proof that Iran was trying to get nuclear weapons, the Israelis decided to create a file of documents, which would be attributed to a covert nuclear weapons program. They got the terrorist group the Mojahedin-e Khalq to make the public case on behalf of Israel about the …

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