The MEK and the Iranian People

Gareth porter on the MKO-Israel collusion to provoke war

They knew that Powell was referring indirectly to information in those papers and they were alarmed, because it appeared that history was about to repeat itself: Powell had cited information from another MEK/MKO/PMOI source two years earlier as the centerpiece of his rationale for war in Iraq. That source was the now infamous “Curveball”. The BND had tried in vain to warn the CIA….

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US Blocks Release of Iran Nuke Papers

The MEK aka MKO/PMOI, considered by the United States and European states as a terrorist organization, had been used by Saddam Hussein’s regime to support the war against Iran and by Israel to issue intelligence and propaganda that Mossad did not want attributed to it.

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Historic deal is working despite MKO-AIPAC- led obstructions

Regarding the MKO, its role in the relations and equations between Iran and the West is so trivial that the cult leader strives hard to create tension between the two sides more and more in order to achieve the least support they can gain. The MKO’s only means to survive is to convince the West that the proverb”the enemy of my enemy is my friend”is symbolized in supporting a cult of personality…

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MKO & AIPAC lobbies to promote endless wars in the Mideast

Menhendez backs the MKO/MEK/PMOI operatives to the extent that he told Wendy Sherman the US State Department’s third person that the MEK should be invited to relocate to the United States…Jim White of the Emptywheel website confirms AIPAC’s part to pass the legislation against Iran but he also notifies the part of the MKO in….

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Israel gives financial backing to the MEK terrorist organisation

According to the Israeli press, the Israeli financial grant to the organization comes after the MEK promised to provide detailed and accurate information about Iran’s nuclear facilities, stressing that Israel had previously given financial and in-kind assistance to the organization over three stages. The MEK’s press release some days ago contained …

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