The MEK and the Iranian People

Israel, France and the MKO terrorists

France is the second home of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) aka MEK/PMOI, a group of fifth columnists who have absolutely no legitimacy to any Iranian for reasons it takes only seconds to comprehend: they fought with Saddam Hussein against Iran during the Iran-Iraq war.

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Rajavi and Netanyahu scuttling Iran deal in the same manner

The US Department State also confirmed that MKO “staged terrorist attacks inside Iran and killed several U.S. military personnel and civilians working on defense projects in Tehran”. After the Islamic Revolution in 1979, MKO lost the opportunity to attract the public opinion. Hence, It took arms against the Iranians and killed thousands …

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The MKO-Israeli Spying network

Definitely, Ali Mansouri is not the only MKO-Mossad agent who has been detected in recent years. Assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists have been “ joint Mossad-MEK/MKO/PMOI operations,” a confidential source who is a former Israeli cabinet minister and senior IDF officer, told Richard Silverstein

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Common Nightmare of the MKO and Israel

It seems that the MKO-Israeli futile efforts to launch another destructive war in the Middle East are in decline. Both enemies of the Iranian nation, particularly the MKO/MEK/PMOI always clearly replicate their desire to overthrow the Iranian government. Needless to say, in the least probable case that they succeed to run their propaganda against Islamic Republic, they are both largely detested by the Iranian people.

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MKO survival dependent on creating crisis

Four former members of the Muhajedin-e-Khalgh Organization known as MKO in a press conference in Tehran shed light on the role of the MKO in eight years of Iraqi war against Iran in the 1980s. The former MKO members said that since the beginning, the leaders of the organization were looking for a source of support

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US: from 1953 coup to MKO training in Nevada

The group was sheltered, funded and trained by Saddam Hussein and fought on his side against his own country-men. It was then funded, trained and used by the US and Israel …Regarding the recent confessions on 1953 coup and facts on its advocacy for the MKO/MEK/PMOI, the United States should not expect the Iranian public to have a positive view on …

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US Likely to Use MKO as Private Army for Conspiracies

It is my fear that the MKO (the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization also known as the MKO, MEK, NCR and PMOI)–if not stopped, will be used as a private army for America, Israel and the West to murder even more people than it already has, says an Idaho-based political analyst.“I am very excited about what Iran is doing …

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