The MEK and the Iranian People

Rajavi has difficulty to please the US

Although after the delisting, the MKO was allowed to open its office in Washington DC, its position in the US territory is very fragile. What if the US-Iran relations come in to a peaceful conclusion? Will the US stay a safe haven for the MKO? The United States is more choosier than the MKO leaders to make friends among former enemies of its nation.

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60 years after the 1953 coup, US back the MKO

While conventional war, the bomb-bomb-bomb Iran approach has been so far avoided because that still remains a last resort of the bipartisan consensus, other attacks on Iran have continued, including by means of Stuxnet, the cyber-weapon built by the National Security Agency together with CIA and Israeli intelligence and used to temporarily cripple the uranium enrichment operations in Natanz, Iran. .. in addition, assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists by the Iranian terrorist organization Mojahedin-e-Khalq assisted with funding and training assistance of America’s ally Israel.

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The Obama-Al Qaeda-MEK Connection

President Barack Obama has entered into an alliance with two of the world’s leading terrorist organizations — Al Qaeda and the Mujahideen e-Khalq (MEK) — in his zeal to overthrow the present governments in Syria and Iran. The Obama-Al Qaeda marriage of convenience is particularly deep and it centers on the drive to overthrow the Bashar Assad government in Damascus, through an armed opposition.

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The MKO- Israeli mutual Services

The long time cooperation between the MKO and Israel is not restricted to spying operations. The mutual advantage they grant each other also include the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists. Following the assassination of Mustafa Ahmadi Roshan Richard Silverstein cited from his “own confidential Israeli source” who confirmed that “the murder was the work of the Mossad and MEK…

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All the President’s foes

1. Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli PM – 2. John Bolton, America’s former ambassador to the UN – 3. Maryam Rajavi, Wife of the leader of the terrorist group MeK …. All the three streams agree that negotiation with Iran produce no result.

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People’s Mujahedin or Intel’s Mujahedin

Indeed, American warmonger efforts to delist the MKO and the NCRI were useful in many ways. The dirty business of the MKO and its sponsors is now legally (!) registered under the guise of Democracy for Iran. The MKO opened its office across from the White House to facilitate such financial deals with its intelligence masters and congressional sponsors.

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Your Country Needs You

But such treachery is often linked to that strange Mujahedin cult (MEK) that actually joined forces with Saddam in his murderous war campaign against Iran in the 1980s. Iranians would support the Islamic Republic against the Mujahedin-E-Khalgh, just as they would against the MEK’s foreign …

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US Sponsored Iranian Terrorist MKO claims

Several hundred leading MKO kadres have opened a facility in Kosovo, where the MKO is reportedly cooperating with the Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA/UCK, US Special Forces, and civilian as well as military U.S. intelligence services. The MKO´s human rights record has been criticized by Iran as well as international rights organizations.

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