The MEK and the Iranian People

MEK Re-Ups 3 Year Old Nuclear Propaganda

..Clearly, the MEK’s latest revelations are recycled claims and, like before, are essentially allegations based on vague intelligence leaked to the group by American officials. The MEK merely acts as a laundering service for the unproven accusations of its handlers in the United States and Israel….

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MEK Stirs Pot in Iran Despite Improved Negotiation Outlook

Time will soon tell us whether there is indeed a new secret Iranian nuclear facility or if, as happens when NCRI produces its own “intelligence”, this is just another load of bunk. If NCRI’s satellite photos only appear on David Albright’s site (he has not yet posted them), then this is likely just another disinformation campaign by MEK/MKO/PMOI.

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Iran dismisses MKO allegation of secret nuclear site

“This report is by no means true and is denied [by the Islamic Republic of Iran],” Araqchi said, adding, “The terrorist MKO has been so discredited that the publication of such stories by them is not worth a response,” he added. The Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization – blamed for the assassination of many Iranian people and officials after the …

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A brief review on US-MKO ties

the MKO has always been perceived by various US governments as a tool to be used against Iran. In fact, what doesn’t really matter is the terrorist group. It is all about the United States and Iran. MKO is just a terrorist group with a black record that could only serve its Master’s wishes without any independency

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MKO Fuels Warmongering Propaganda

MKO hopes that the old allies develop a unanimous consensus over the military option against Iranian regime. It would make both allies a perfect united ‘alien element’ for a total dependence. What MKO/MEK/PMOI has achieved so far has been an unfortunate outcome; its desperate struggle to achieve the reproachful, anti-national and ambitious goal has brought the group into disrepute among all struggling oppositions.

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MEK supporter urges US to foment ethnic tension in Iran

He is also one of the top supporters of the MEK, and detractor of the Green Movement. He was a major driver of the effort to remove the mujaheddin from the terror list, while acknowledging their use of violence to achieve political goals. “I will have to admit, the thing that attracts me to this movement is that it is willing to fight,” Rohrabacher said ahead of the MEK’s delisting.

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Israel pushed U.S. to delist MKO terrorist group

Israel’s disingenuous attempts to approach Syria are only one of several prescribed strategies Brookings called for in their 2009 report that have already come to pass. Another was Brookings’ suggestion to delist and arm the bizarre terrorist cult, Mujahedeen e-Khalq (MEK). MEK had been listed as a foreign terrorist organization by the US State Department for decades, yet …

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The Senate’s 10-Year Iraq War Anniversary Gift: War With Iran

Senator Sessions recently addressed an audience on Capitol Hill at an event organized by affiliates of the Mujahedin-e Khalq, a radical Iranian exile group that was considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. until late last year. Sessions told the audience that, if President Obama took military action against Iran,”he would have great support in the Congress.”…

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Treasonous Mojahedeen

Articles and videos replete with statements by Bolton and Giuliani on the need to bomb Iran are easily available online, also expressed with equal zeal by Rajavi’s cult. While Bolton and Giuliani call for bombing Iran and”crippling sanctions”, the MEK do just the same, only replacing”Iran”with”Mullah’s regime.”But alas, the target in both cases remains the same–the people of Iran.

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