The MEK and the Iranian People

US needs MKO to create tension in the region

the current troubles which oppressing powers like the Zionist regime are creating for the Islamic Republic of Iran is not a new thing and they have tried this since the beginning of the revolution.Mohsen Mousavi ..Referring to the colonial role of western governments during the past decades, he said: “Whenever the front opposing oppressive powers has been comprised of governments that enjoy little or no support from their people, the result has been nothing but a total failure for them.

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MEK, a hated entity in the view of Iranians

Mujahedin-e-Khalq, also known as Monafeqin, have committed more than 19,157 murders of Iranian citizens since 1979. They also have killed 5 US militaries.Iran Khabar Agency is one of the news agencies of the MEK terrorist group, which, during 2009 Iranian presidential elections, reported false stories…

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MKO & KGB Deals

According to the archives of the Soviet State microfilm collection, the MKO aka MEK/PMOI leader hadn’t found Saddam Hussein’s support sufficient so he sought support from Russian Committee for State Security (KGB): ..Resolution of the TsK KPSS Secretariat approving a response to a letter from M. Rajavi, leader of the Mujahedin

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Russian Journalist: US Needs MKO

The only reason the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as MEK, PMOI and NCR) is still on the planet is that the US needs them, a prominent Russian journalist said.”I think they (MKO) took part in the events after election in 2009,”Nadezhda Kevorkova …

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Iranian People Never Forgive MKO’s Crimes

“Rajavi (the ringleader of the MKO) killed a large number of Iranian people as well as the MKO members through deception and temptation,”Ghorbanabli Hosseinnejad, a highly trusted veteran member of the MKO and the confided interpreter of MKO ringleader Massoud Rajavi in talks with Iraqi government officials during Saddam’s era..

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Mojahedin Khalq Trapped in a State of Limbo

The statement is clearly taken to imply that, despite unconfirmed rumors, no country has so far announced readiness to accept the members of Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, PMOI, NCR) as refugees. The unanimous reluctance to receive MKO is in fact a negative response to the call for a durable and workable solution to the issue of residents’ resettlement. ..

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Regime Change in Iran by the MKO?!

“The MEK may deny wanting violent regime change, but the only conceivable way it would become the next government in Tehran would be at the head of a US invasion force,” Jeremia Goulka suggests.The words of Maryam Rajavi addressing French deputies are helpful to testify how much the MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders are mastered in their puffed-up propaganda campaign…

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Gordon Duff: MEK is an Israeli front organization

It is my belief that they cannot be rehabilitated to the point of being an honest player in the region as they are directly supplied, paid and motivated by intelligence agencies,” said Gordon Duff on Saturday in an interview with Habilian Association, adding that he is very familiar with MEK ops against Iran and their “long partnership with the Mossad, MI-6 and the CIA.”..

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Report: No sympathizers for MKO terrorists in Iran

Members of the MKO aka MEK/PMOI, who had murdered over 17,000 Iranians since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, fled to the neighboring Iraq in 1980s, where they received military training from the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and set up Camp Ashraf in the eastern province of Diyala near the Iranian border.

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