The MEK and the Iranian People

Hidden sources of MKO funds revealed

Rajavi has invested these large amounts in Western countries under the cover of front companies. Today the outcomes of such investment are spent for Maryam’s expenses in her Parisian Palace and her various fashionable clothes, as well as the group’s [MKO/MEK/PMOI] conferences and luxurious parties in Europe and the US. ..

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The Attempt to Befriend an Enemy

In the prolonged wrangle over the removal of Mojahedin Khalq Organization (a.k.a. MKO, MEK. PMOI, NCRI) between the group and its advocate on one side and the US State Department on the opposite, an attempt is made to prove that MKO has since long denounced terrorism and poses no threat …

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Washington’s Hypocrisies and MKO

The US reportedly funnels money to the Iranian terrorist group, MEK aka MKO/PMOI, declared terrorists by no less than the US State Department. But it is OK as long as MEK is terrorizing Iran. Washington stands with MEK’s protests delivered via bombs and the assassin’s bullet..

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Target Iran: America and Israel to Officially Unleash MEK Terrorist Cult

Now we can begin to understand how this relatively small player came to be the organisation that broke the news that Iran had been ‘secretly hiding’ uranium enrichment facilities from the IAEA for two decades. Capitalising on the issue du jour, Iran’s purported nuclear weapons, the MEK network focused on telling the Necocon chicken-hawks in Washington exactly what the Israelis wanted them to hear.

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Of Terrorists and Freedom Fighters

The U.S. attitude towards the MEK over the decades is a good example of how very changeable governments can be. At one point, the MEK was obviously an anti-American terrorist organization responsible for the deaths of American citizens. Later, Hussein’s support for the MEK was unimportant, because…

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Apparently terrorism isn’t terrorism if it targets Iran

While the Journal doesn’t mention MeK’s reported role in the attacks, it does forecast what Iran’s response would be if MeK was delisted. ..”Many of Iran’s top leaders, including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, were targets of MeK aka MKO/PMOI attacks during the 1980s.”Clearly, like any country, Iran takes assassination attempts on its people seriously.

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MeK and That Dastardly T-Word

Theissan and other supporters of the war went through this rap sheet repeatedly, refusing to highlight the fact that the NATO-backed rebels had direct ties to al-Qaeda and had themselves committed serious acts of “terror.” So a terrorist is whoever our military and political leadership say it is ..

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