The MEK and the Iranian People

MKO terrorists receive funds from Saudi Arabia, Israel

A Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization defector says the terrorist group receives funding from Saudi Arabia and Israel, emphasizing MKO’s role in the suppression and massacre of Iraqis under the former Baath regime…Maryam Sanjabi said there is evidence about the relations and cooperation between the MKO/MEK/PMOI and the Saudi kingdom.

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MKO: Obama’s anti-Iran card in elections

There is a presidential election this year and a competitive atmosphere between the Republicans and the Democrats inside the US, for both of which the issue of Iran is very important. The Obama administration intends to pursue more anti-Iran policies than its rivals. Usually, in election years, the two American parties compete …

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US provided material support for MEK foreign terrorists in Nevada

HRW says the testimony of former MEK prisoners paints a grim picture of how the organization treated its members, particularly those who held dissenting opinions .. Other witnesses told Human Rights Watch claimed it was the practice of MEK interrogators to tie thick ropes around prisoners’ necks and drag them along the ground. One witness told investigators:”Sometimes prisoners returned to the cell with extremely swollen necks–their head and neck as big as a pillow.”

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Report Discloses Training of MKO Terrorists by Britain

Britain is part of a covert operation in the Middle-East to train Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCR) terrorists for operations against Iran. Report Discloses Training of MKO Terrorists by Britain.The American Free Press website reported that western collusion to train terrorists to target Iranian scientists and officials, that Britain has been part of covert operations in the Middle East to train MKO terrorists.

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U.S. Training MEK Terrorists to Kill Iranians

Bush and Cheney saw advantage in using MEK/MKO/PMOI to attack targets in Iran. At the Nevada site, and also in an undisclosed Israeli facility, MEK fighters were trained in the arts of assassination, bombing and surveillance. And they were not the only terrorists given training. Members of Jundullah, a Sunni group based in Pakistan and linked to the Taliban, were flown to Nevada with Iranian Kurds specially selected by Mossad. In effect, Washington ..

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MKO: US-Israel’s Men in Iran

The advocacy for the MKO-although listed as a foreign terrorist organization – in the US is both logistical and congressional. Several former American political figures, who have intensified their lobbying effort to delist the group, claim that it is fully in line with American foreign-policy and is well positioned to assist the US in the so-called future military confrontation with Iran…Horton advises US remember the lesson they learned from Iraq war

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Our Men in Iran?

It was here that the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) conducted training, beginning in 2005, for members of the Mujahideen-e-Khalq, a dissident Iranian opposition group known in the West as the M.E.K. .. in the nineteen-seventies, it was linked to the assassination of six American citizens…M.E.K. has remained on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations—which meant that secrecy was essential in the Nevada training.

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Hersh: US facilitates MEK terror in Iran

The communications training in Nevada involved more than teaching how to keep in contact during attacks—it also involved communication intercepts. The United States…at one point found a way to penetrate some major Iranian communications systems. At the time…the U.S. provided M.E.K. operatives with the ability to intercept telephone calls and text messages inside Iran—which M.E.K. operatives translated and shared with American signals intelligence experts.

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Dershowitz: from Israel Firster to MEK Firster for the Right Price

How much money is the MEK dropping on Dershowitz? I’d be shocked if he’d sell himself any cheaper than $50K a pop. If anyone has actual figures on this please get in touch. Where does the money come from? Possibly from the Iran assassinations the MEK aka MKO/PMOI performs on Mossad’s behalf, which undoubtedly pay well. Then there’s the possibility that the $400-million Bush allocated for destabilizing Iran in 2007 has found its way either to the MEK or Mossad (or both) …

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