The MEK and the Iranian People

Ex-member: MKO helps Israeli agents in covert war with Iran

In a telephone interview with Israel’s Maariv radio on March 5, Massoud Khodabandeh noted that it was no surprise to hear about the role of the MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorists in assassinating Iran’s nuclear scientists.Some US officials told the NBC network last week that the MKO terrorists have been involved in the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists in the past two years.Since January 2010, a total of six Iranian nuclear scientists have been assassinated ..

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FM: West hosting killers of Iran’s nuke scientists

Reports said that that the terrorist attack which killed a senior Iranian scientist in Tehran was a joint operation carried out by the agents of the Israeli spy agency and the MKO.Earlier in February, a new report unveiled tight ties and cooperation between the Israeli spy agency, Mossad, and the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization.

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Simple Answer to Bangkok Blasts: MKO

The MKO’s /MEK/PMOI spying network and terrorist operations against Iran is notoriously known to the world. Maybe that’s why Bangkok Post states, ”at various levels, there are grounds which might support the theory of an Independent MEK operation in Bangkok, New Delhi and Tiblisi.“Strategically, the organization has ample motive. The successful assassination of Israeli diplomats would at the least serve to further isolate the Iranian government ..

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Exposing The Israeli-Mossad False Flag Terror

The riddle of Bangkok, where Iranians have been injured in the blasts, needs to be understood & it is a very simple matter to comprehend. The Mujahedeen Khalq (MKO/MEK), is a terrorist organization comprising of disgruntled Iranians who are now working for the CIA & the Mossad. The MKO-MEK , is openly supported by the US-Israel as their strategic allies & they are the ones who are responsible for the assassinations of the Iranian nuclear scientists ..

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Prof.Foote: American gov’t to continue using MKO against Iran

MEK is now hue and crying over not being allowed to carry their medicine, medical instruments, power generators, office facilities.. to the Temporary Transit Location! “These resources were provided for terrorist services rendered by supporters in Iraq (Saddam Hussein), Saudi Arabia, America, and elsewhere,” Sheldon said regarding the issue…Referring to the MEK member arrested in Thailand, Paul Sheldon Foote underlined that it is ..

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US hypocrisy in admitting Mossad/MKO behind assassinations

Given the blatant violation of international law and human rights that the terrorist acts carried out by the MKO aka MEK/PMOI and Mossad pose for people of Iran as now admitted by the US officials, we urge all citizens of the US and the EU to address through their parliamentary representatives the terrorist activities of Mossad and MKO and the freedom given to the MKO to operate in the US and the EU.

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Kosher Terrorists to be Delisted

in the last few weeks the Jewish Lobby in the USA is going out of its way to support the terrorist MEK…Zionist Alan Dershowitz advocating the immediate delisting of an active terror organisation…One may be naive enough to believe that Dershowitz’call is nothing but noble, yet, embarrassingly enough, the same Dershowitz, has never been caught trying to stop his beloved Jewish State from murdering Palestinians in Gaza, in the West Bank ..

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Assassinations Joint work of Israel and Mojahedin Khalq

Anyone in Israel, the United States, or anywhere else hoping for a salubrious regime change in Iran would be foolish to have anything to do with the MEK/MKO/PMOI. Even more important than what is foolish is what is immoral. Terrorism denies the high ground to anyone who uses it, including the use of it in disagreements with Iran. It also hastens the slide through mutually reinforcing hostility into what may be a far more destructive form of violence (i.e., a war..

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Israel teams with MEK terrorists to kill Scientists, U.S. officials tell NBC News

The group, the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, has long been designated as a terrorist group by the United States, accused of killing American servicemen and contractors in the 1970s and supporting the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran before breaking with the Iranian mullahs in 1980.The attacks, which have killed five Iranian nuclear scientists since 2007 and may have destroyed a missile research and development site, have been carried out in dramatic fashion..

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US paper: MKO deserves Nobel Prize for killing Iran experts

The remarks come on the heels of a report, published by NBC News on Thursday, citing two “senior US officials” confirming that the Israeli secret service had “financed, trained, and armed,” the MKO aka MEK/PMOI terrorists for them to assassinate Iranian scientists.The US, Israel and their allies accuse Iran of pursuing a military nuclear program and have used this allegation as a pretext to sway the UN Security Council to impose four rounds of sanctions..

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