The MEK and the Iranian People

Prof. Foote: MKO promoting hatred of Iran

He pointed out that Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI is a useful tool for the Israelis “by promoting hatred of Iran, by telling lies about Iran, and by conducting terrorist operations in Iran.”“Israel can always deny any knowledge of or support for these activities,” he continued…Sheldon Foote said, “Most Americans do not even have passports. They have not visited Iran. It is easy for the MKO to lie about supporting democracy.”

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Smoking gun documents “Found” by US-backed MEK terror group

So the terrorist group which “found” the documents is funded by neoconservatives who want to overthrow Iran. What a coincidence!And as Gareth Porter notes in the above-linked article, the Mossad may have created the documents in the first place:There are some indications, moreover, that the MEK/MKO/PMOI obtained the documents not from an Iranian source but from Israel’s Mossad…

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An alternative to war with Iran

Israel pursues its own interests with little or no regard for how its behavior will impact friend or foe. For example, it utilizes the MEK as a partner in many of its terror operations inside Iran, even though U.S. State Department officially designates the MEK as a terror group.This, of course, doesn’t stop the MEK and its well-paid domestic allies in the United States from pursuing an aggressive campaign to delist it as a terror group. Millions of dollars have been spent to further this goal, including enlisting prominent figures on both the Democratic and Republican sides ..

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Strange Bedfellows in the Conflict with Iran

Camp Ashraf was a heavily armed encampment under Saddam Hussein from which Mujahedeen[MKO/MEK/PMOI] fighters attempted to invade Iran at the end of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war. They were driven off. Today they enjoy little support in their home country, in spite of Mrs. Rajavi’s claims to lead the main resistance to the Islamic Republic, apparently because their efforts were seen as treacherous by many Iranians. ..

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When is a terrorist not a terrorist? & War with Iran or not?

In the case of the assassination of Iranian scientists, the Mossad’s assets are almost certainly members of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) also known as The Peoples’ Mujahedin of Iran, which is committed to overthrowing the Iranian government. Many of its activists are based in Iraqi Kurdistan where Mossad has a substantial presence. It does the training there, and MKO/MEK/PMOI members do the actual killing.

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Israelis and Americans use MKO terrorists for assassinations

Under circumstances this force – Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI became a reactionary group of people, who are more and more inclined for operating terrorist attacks. And they operate for that and there are secret ties, which are not on the surface, of Mossad and other Israeli secret services, between these services and Mujahedin-e Khalq and similar organizations. It is not the only organization of this sort, there are some other..

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Israeli Source: Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientist Joint Mossad-MEK Operation

An Iranian news agency reports that a fourth Iranian nuclear scientist has been assassinated. Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan was a professor specializing in petroleum engineering at a technical university and director of Natanz’s uranium enrichment facility. .. My own confidential Israeli source confirms today’s murder was the work of the Mossad and MEK aka MKO/PMOI, as have been a number of previous operations I’ve reported here …

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Mujahedin: Holy Warriors or Dirty Traitors?

Why is it that the very US government who had despised the MEK aka MKO/PMOI in its early years is now coming around to shake hands with them and become an ally?According to Justin Raimondo of ** “the War Party is bound and determined to drag us, kicking and screaming, into a military conflict with Iran.” Raimondo asserts that the “nexus of this network is the government of Israel and its intelligence services which is ..

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US Troops Guarded Terrorist MEK Camp in Iraq

MEK. Admittedly a terrorist organization, listed by the US State Department as being such, it is fully funded, armed, and backed by the United States, based in France and US-occupied Iraq, .. clearly this reveals that not only is the “War on Terror” an absolute fraud, but so are the politicians, policy wonks, and military “leaders” who have promoted it, pinned medals on their own chests for “fighting” it, and have made immense fortunes and power grabs ..

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MKO, part of US-Israeli warmonger campaign

The Brookings Institution report, titled “Which Path to Persia?” published in 2009 speculates a role for the MKO aka MEK/PMOI. The report states that “clearly the more outrageous, the more deadly, and the more unprovoked the Iranian action,the better off the United States to goad Iran into such a provocation without the rest of the world recognizing this game, which would then undermine it.

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