The MEK and the Iranian People

Arrested spy in Lebanon: MKO is spying for Israel

Judge:”This number is from Belgium and belongs to Mussed, what is your explanation of this?” Mohammad Ali Husseini:”I am in touch with Mohammad Alizade, one of the MKO officials, but it was not proven to me that the number belonged to Mussed. Judge:”You were also contacted by a number from England in 2008 which belongs to Mussed.” Mohammad Ali Husseini:”This number belongs to the MKO.

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MEK only one of many CIA proxies to attack Iran

It is widely suspected that the well known right-wing terrorist organization known as Mujahedeen-e Khalq (MEK) aka MKO/PMOI, once run by Saddam Hussein’s dreaded intelligence services, is now working exclusively for the CIA’s Directorate of Operations and carrying out remote bombings in Iran.After a bombing inside Iran in March 2007, the London Telegraph also reported on how a high ranking CIA official ..

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UN to provide countries with documents of US management of Terrorists

“Iran’s ambassador to the UN will in a formal letter ask the UN Secretary-General to provide other countries with the documents on the United States’ management and financial backup for terrorists and put the judicial prosecution of the US administration on (the UN) agenda based on conventions,”Jalili said.”The United States has formally used its forces for terror and sabotage against Iran and other countries and as the Supreme Leader has said we have documents to discredit the United States …

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Iran Links US-funded MKO Terrorists to Saudi-DEA Bomb Plot

Readers, in the absence of evidence provided by America’s gun-running Attorney General Eric Holder, must consider which is more plausible; that the DEA entrapped a patsy arranged by MEK who has been training literally inside the United States for years, or that Iran’s elite Quds Forces lapsed into insanity, contradicting years of Iranian foreign policy, noted even by America’s conspiring warmongers as wanting to avoid any justification for Western aggression against their nation.

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Do not Trust MKO Fabrications

“It will be interesting to see how this plays out. It would not be the first time the Mujahedin al-Khalq has forced intelligence agencies and the press to scramble with an elaborate hoax. And, even if the evidence against the Islamic Republic is overwhelming, the fact that Iranian leaders can seize on past Mujahedin al-Khalq fabrications is ample reason not to trust anything the MKO says today either, no matter how many American and European officials are willing to embrace them.”

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Iran Judiciary to open file against USG for using MKO and other Terrorists

The American administration crimes against Occupy Wall Street movement activists, its support for crimes committed by US puppet regimes in the Muslim countries including Egypt and in the meantime advocating the crimes against Iranian nation committed by terrorist Mujahedeen Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI as well as Washington’s crimes against Iranian revolutionaries before 1979 Islamic Revolution should be pursued and indicted,”…

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Controversial assassination plot in Washington throws spotlight on MKO

in this alleged plot the MEK could have posed as a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and other agents to trap or implicate various parties in an essentially fictitious plot? Considering that the MEK has been backed by the Israeli lobby to demonise and otherwise act against Iran it is no surprise that the stated expectation of the MEK/MKO/PMOI immediately after the announcement of the so-called failed terror attack that they should be now..

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MKO receive $60 mln from Saddam each month

“This cult accompanied the executed Iraqi criminal (Saddam) in all his policies and did everything to put Saddam’s orders in action,”Chalabi said..He said Saddam and his regime extended all-out support to the MKO/MEK/PMOI.”For instance, they were bribed with $60mln payments that they received from Saddam each month.”He noted that he has already cautioned Iraq’s political and religious leaders…

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Why Are Prominent Americans Lobbying for MKO Terrorists ?

It is not hard to imagine how Americans would react if they learned that Al Qaeda had hired top lobbyists to help promote its agenda in Congress. Or if they heard that influential active and retired government officials were being paid to attest to Hezbollah’s good character. They would be appalled. But, amazingly, a group similar to Al Qaeda and Hezbollah is doing just that. It is the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), an Iranian exile group that is on the Department of State’s list of FTOs ..

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